🌹🔪Chapter 14: The Beast has returned 🔪🌹

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Today's a Saturday. It's been days and Richard hasn't come back. I tried calling him but he never answered.

"Hey, I'm heading off to work." Levi said then he kiss my cheek. "I'll see you later. I love you."

"Love you too." I said then we share a kiss and he left.


Levi head over to the door as he's about to leave for work. He opens the door and he became face to face with a stranger's back.

"Excuse me." Levi said to the stranger.

Then the stranger turned around and Levi's eyes widened. The stranger has familiar angry golden eyes and short light blonde hair.

The beast has return.

Reiner Braun.

"(Y/n)!" Before Levi could close the door, Reiner punch Levi on the jaw and Levi's back hit the floor. Then Levi quickly stood up and attack Reiner. Reiner dodge and block every action that Levi made. He pulled out a knife and swing it on Levi but miss. Reiner raised his knife again but Levi grab both of his arms, keeping them still.

"Levi?!" (Y/n) walked into the room and froze. Reiner noticed her and a dark smirk is plastered on his face. Her eyes widened and she can feel her heartbeat going faster.

"(Y/n)! Go and get Erin and get out of here now!" Levi shouted. "Go now damn it!"

She snapped out of it and run.

Then Reiner pushed Levi and the two continue fighting.

She ran upstairs and quickly head over to Erin's room.


"Mommy? What's going on?"

"There's no time!" She carry her daughter into her arms and run towards to another room. She locked the door and opens the closet door. With all of her might, she pulls out the safe out of the closet and type in the code. Once it's unlocked, she grab the gun and put the bullets in.

Then all of the sudden...


(Y/n) froze after hearing that loud bang. She has no idea who's being shot.

"Sweetie, you stay here.Okay? Mommy will be back, I promise." (Y/n) said to Erin and place a gentle kiss oh her forehead. Then (Y/n) take a deep breath before unlocking the door. She holds onto the gun tightly.She look to her left and to her right, making sure that there is no sign of Reiner.

The coast is clear. She quietly went downstairs, making sure that she doesn't make a single sound as possible. As she went downstairs, she froze when she saw Levi, lying on the ground. She rush towards him and check any of his injuries. He's being shot at his right shoulder, unconscious and he's losing so much blood.

"Levi? Wake up please..." She said, trying to wake him up.

Then all of the sudden... two big hands cover her mouth with a piece of cloth. (Y/n) recognizes the smell. Chloroform. She struggle her best to get out of his grasp but to no avail.

"Don't struggle..." Reiner whispered into her ear.

And slowly... her head starts to feel dizzy and then there's nothing but... darkness.


Hey!Sorry that I took soooo long to update but here it is! And also, I'm sorry if this is short, I have no idea how to write a fight scene but I tried my best. This story is almost done and I'm both happy and sad about it.

Anyways, new update coming soon!


[AOT] Yandere! Reiner x Reader x Levi- Beauty and the Beast II: A Deadly ReturnWhere stories live. Discover now