🌹🔪Chapter 13: Behind the Mask 🔪🌹

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It's been days since the funeral. But today, the mood is a little bit... different. And I'm becoming more suspicious of Richard. My nightmares are still the same.

What if... my dreams are signs... telling me that something's not right.

"Mommy, are you okay?" Erin's voice made me snapped out of my thoughts.

"I'm fine sweetie. So have you decided a toy yet? " I asked her.

She nodded and she hold out a princess doll.

"Okay, let's go pay for it and after that we'll get some ice cream." I said to her.

"Okay mommy." She said and then we head to the counter and pay for it.


Levi's POV

I was just sitting here in the living room and examining Erin's and (Y/n)'s rings. She's right. They look exactly the same. Although (Y/n)'s ring is a little bit rusty since it's been years. And I'm becoming more suspicious of this Richard guy. He needs to go.

"Oh um... Good day Mr. Ackerman. " I turn my head to my right and I saw that Richard guy.

"Richard, follow me please. " I said as I stand up from my seat, sneakily put the rings into my pocket and head over to the dining room and rest both of my hands on the cold marbled counter while Richard stand across from me. Then I pull out the rings from my pocket and place them on the counter.

"Do you recognize these rings?" I asked.

"Um... only one of them and it's my gift for your daughter. " He answered.

"Only one of them huh? They're both identical but only one is a little rusty and it belongs to my wife. While the other one looks so brand new. That's the only difference. Don't you think it's a coincidence? " I raise an eyebrow.

"Well... um, in all honesty... I think it is a coincidence. " He said.

"Hmm... And also, you do seem awfully close with my daughter and ever since you bought that ring for her, my wife has a lot of nightmares. And I believe this has something to do with you. "

"Nightmares? Um... I don't know your wife's story and all but... it's just a ring. " He said.

"Just a ring, huh? Just... a fucking ring? Quit the shitty act, Richard. Or wouldn't that be your name?" I narrowed my eyes. "Yes... I know it's just a ring. A fucking object. But this ring... " I point at the slightly rusty ring. "has a little backstory... This psychotic bastard named Reiner Braun gave this shitty ass ring to (Y/n) back in high school. This ring... reminds her of the fucking tragic event and everything that the same bastard has done to her and to our friends back in fucking high school. "I said.

"I didn't know that." He said.

"But does it sound so fucking familiar to you? I know that's you Reiner Braun behind that shitty mask of yours."

"Sir, I have no idea what you're talking about. "

"Tch, I said quit the fucking act! Now, if you don't want me to call the cops... I suggest you get out of the house immediately and never return and don't you dare go near to us, especially my wife and my daughter. Get out... Now! "

"Fine. But you're gonna regret this Mr. Ackerman. " He said then he walked out.



"Honey, we're home! " I called out as I close the door behind me. I head over to the living room and I saw Levi watching television.

"Sweetie, why don't you go upstairs and play? " I whispered to her. She nodded and head upstairs.

I walk towards the couch and shake Levi's shoulder. "Hey, what's wrong? " I asked him as I sit next to him.

"Nothing... It's just work and some other shit. " He replied, turning the TV off.

I let out a sigh.

"By the way, the Richard guy came and he said that he'll be away for a while. " He said.

"Oh? For how long? " I asked.

"Who knows? He said he has family problems back in his hometown. "

"I guess I could do the old routine for a while until he gets back. " I said.

Then Levi just kiss my cheek and he head upstairs, leaving me in the living room.


Richard's (aka Reiner) POV

I look at myself in the slightly shattered mirror as I can feel anger all boiling up inside me. And I can feel the beast once again in me. With all of the anger and rage in me, I punch the mirror and now it's completely broken. I look at my bloody knuckles as little drops of blood stained the floor and on some glass shards.

Does he think that he can get rid of me that easily?

He's gonna regret it.

He made the biggest mistake.

And I'm not giving up until I'll take back what's mine.

And it looks like they forgot who they're dealing with.

No more playing games. I'm done with this dumb fucking act.

So I'm a beast, huh?

Then I'll show them a beast.

[AOT] Yandere! Reiner x Reader x Levi- Beauty and the Beast II: A Deadly ReturnWhere stories live. Discover now