22 | Insanity

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"Eloise, just leave your work for a couple of minutes and listen to me." She finally looked up to me.

"I'm going to my high school reunion. Come with me, okay?" She was expressionless, almost like a guy whenever a woman asked them to follow them somewhere.

"When?" She asked.

"This Friday?" She turned to her planner and looked at her schedule.

"Alright." Was all she said before looking down on her work again. Honestly, when she's into her work like this, I'm not sure if she's able to remember her promise to me. I need to do something so she won't forget.

It's my time to be showing off my significant other! I don't want it to be like other years, where Roger decided to not come and let me go alone. I need to show off my successful partner.

"Anyway, I'll be having lunch with Mr. Carson." I was about to go when she suddenly ran to the door and covered it with her body. Gotcha! So, me having lunch with a man finally made her got up from her chair?

"Who's Mr. Carson?! And why are you having lunch with him instead of Maya?!" She's jealous. Maybe I should make use of this.

"Well, he's our client and he needs help with his financial crisis. Maya thought it would be an experience for me to take the case. Besides, he's hot. Did you know he's only 29 years old? And single." Her eyes twitch!

"I'm going with you." I am laughing on the inside when she willing to leave work just to go to this fake lunch meeting.

"What? Why? You have piles of work there. I'll be fine alone." I was about to open the door when someone from the outside beat me to it. Eloise fell on the floor when the person who opened the door pushed it as hard as it could.

"Just what in the world happened here?" It was Luna.

"Why are you on the floor? Also, we need someone to fix this door. It was jammed earlier." Luna walked in asked me what time is our lunch date.

"Now? I was just telling Eloise and she said she'll join us." Luna was skeptical.

"Really? Are you joining us for lunch? Usually, I have to drag you out from the office just to feed you." Eloise stood up and sighed at me.

"You made me worried for nothing!" She said while pinching the bridge of her nose.

"If I don't do that, you wouldn't agree to have lunch with us. Now, come on. I'm starving. Your kid here craving something delicious." She blushed when I refer my unborn child as her kid.

What? She said she's going to take care of me and the kids, it's her kid!

"Alright, if you put it that way. Let's have some French food. I know this restaurant in the city." French food? The portion is too small. I shake my head no.

"Then what? The restaurant where we first meet?" That's an awesome idea. I nodded my head yes.

"You're paying right?" I asked her

"Yes, of course. I am that kind." Luna chuckled and so am I.

As we were walking towards the car, Luna told us that Viola probably will be joining us as well together with her husband, Eric.

"Can I ask you guys a couple of questions?" They both nodded.

"Why did I noticed that Eric seems to be following Viola's words and he once never said anything even though it's wrong?" I asked. Luna chuckled.

"I don't think he can even say anything about it. Well, if it's about work. But for their marriage, believe it or not, Eric is the dominant one and Viola is the submissive one in their relationship. She's only acting tough when it comes to their job. You obviously haven't seen them outside their office, correct?" I nodded.

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