2 | The Life of Claudette Lowe

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"You better get that job today. It's hard enough that I am the only working adult in this household." And this was the same person I married 5 years ago.

I couldn't believe how fast he changes from the sweet and charming husband to a bossy and demanding man he is today. I lost count of how many times he raised his hands to me now that I am almost 6 months unemployed.

To be frank, it's not even my fault I was fired. It was that interns fault! Oh, I wish I could just strangle her that time.

"I know. Can you just chill for a second! Why are you so obsessed with me having a job? It's your JOB to provide for us since you're the husband and I am the wife!" I don't know what came over me when I blurted it all out.

I was surprised when he didn't respond to me at all. I was almost sure he would hit me or something.

"I'm going to let that slide for today. But if you fail to nail this job, you should be ready for what will come to you later tonight." Did he just threatened me?!

"Roger, what is wrong with you? I never knew you were this abusive before! What changed you?" I asked as I facing him.

"And why do we seem to have trouble with money lately? With your salary, we could afford to live with it alone!" Now I'm sure he will hit me. I was waiting for it but it didn't come at all.

"Shut up and get yourself ready. I don't want to be late." Late? But it's only 7 am! My job interview doesn't start until after 9 am.

"I'm going to get Herminia." He said before walking out from our bedroom. It didn't take long for me to get ready and made myself presentable.

Honestly? I am curious to how that woman knows that I have a degree in accounting though.

I think Miss Maya was her name and she's actually a chief financial officer. For such young woman to have such important job, I don't know what to say!

I did look up for their company's history but nothing came up since they only started 6 years ago. At first, I was reluctant but, knowing I have no job now, I can't be picky.

Who knows, maybe from this, greater things will happen in my life.

Being a mother right after I graduated from college was not in my life agenda but, after having Herminia, I never been happier. At first, I was worried that it might be hard but it's not. I'm so used to it now that everything seems to be easy from here and now.

I went to the car and noticed that Roger and our daughter were waiting for me. He seems pissed but when I entered the car, he gave our daughter to me and just drive towards the address I gave him last night.

"This is the place?! Are you sure?" I never expected it'll be this extravagant! My image of a start-up company was far from what I'm seeing right now

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"This is the place?! Are you sure?" I never expected it'll be this extravagant! My image of a start-up company was far from what I'm seeing right now.

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