20 | Kindness & Work

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"Eloise? Is that you?" Eloise went to sister Lia's bedside and greeted the lady who saves her.

"Yes. It's my, sister Lia. How are you? ... That's a bad question." They chuckled. Wait, the nun is paralyzed from the waist down?

"I'm old Eloise, it's bound to happen anyway." She seems at peace despite the problems we heard from the children.

"Sister Lia, I would like to introduce you to Claudette. She's my girlfriend and ... we're about to have a baby." The nun eyes widen but smile in the end.

Seriously though, is it really weird that Eloise decided to take care of the baby with me? Just what kind of person was Eloise before?

"Oh, Eloise ... you'll make a great mother. Claudette was it? Trust me, she'll be a great mother to your child. Come here, sit, join us." She patted the empty space at the other side of the bedside.

"Sister Lia, why didn't you tell me about what's going on with the orphanage? I could help you, you know." Eloise started.

"You expect a proud woman like I am to ask for my daughter's help? Eloise, you know how it pains me to place a burden on you. Now that you have a lady and a child to care for in the future, there's no way I can do what you asked me to do." Huh? Eloise has many money to burn.

It wouldn't be a problem for us if she decide to help out. Eloise looked up at me with a smile.

"Sister Lia, I think I can afford to help you. Don't you know I am one of the city most successful businesswoman? I thought you be proud of me. You raise me to be a someone who could help the community and I am exactly what you raised me to be. Let me help you, to pay for what you've done for me years ago." Eloise wiped the tears that the nun had shed.

"Now, tell me about what's going on. We'll help in any way we can." The nun started explained to us about the main church's plan for the land that the orphanage was built on.

The church wishes to build the church library, bigger than the one they already have in town. When Eloise asked where will they placed the kids, the nun looked away from us.

"They will place the kids into foster care or to other orphanages. I don't want to let them separated from each other, they love staying here, Eloise. I need to find a way to let this orphanage liven before I go." Eloise sighed heavily.

"I'll do something about this. I wish to use your office. Also, Claudette will have to see the orphanage financial account. I hope you don't mind." The nun nodded her head.

After making sure she's rested, we decided to go to her office room. We were both astounded by the mess. Since the nun was bedridden, I'm sure the other nuns were forbidden to enter here.

"I think we need help," I said while sorting the papers to their own category.

"I think so too." Eloise reached for her phone and called for backup. It was after she's done talking to Maya I came across something bad.

"I think we need to deal with this problem first." I showed her the hospital bill for one of the kids.

"This bill was from 2 months ago. That's mean ... he hadn't been receiving any medical attention after sister Lia was bedridden." Eloise ran out of the office as fast as she could while calling for an ambulance.

I hope he's okay. I took a chair from behind the desk and take a seat while stacking the overflowing box of paper.

"Where's Eloise? She was all 'I need help' but she's not even here." Maya ... that was quick. She even brought Claire and her fiancé, Thomas.

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