17 | Limitation

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After seeing Claudette and Stanley together, I decided to get myself a full glass of whiskey. Seeing them all laughing together, I wish they just choke on the food.

"You really ruining your life right now." Luna was standing behind me as I watched the night scenery from the balcony.

"Shut up. I need to do something about Stanley. Maybe I should just use the sniper gun I bought a few months ago and kill him." Luna smacked the back of my head before joining me at the railing of the balcony.

"Are you going to be this pathetic?" I clicked my tongue when I heard my sister making fun of me. Don't she know how deep the wound in my heart is?

"Don't give me that look. Seriously, are you going to be this pathetic? If so, just let Stanley have his way for Claudette. If you wish to make that hetero to be your girl instead of his, BE A BETTER PARTNER FOR HER!" She screamed.

"Look at that ... he's bringing her to the garden. Do you wish to make fun of? If not, be the dominant one. Don't be such a pussy for thinking about others. Thinking about yourself for a change." Luna patted my shoulder.

"CLAUDETTE!" I screamed her name. She noticed me and looked up to the balcony. Her face shown how nervous she is.

"GET BACK INSIDE!" I ordered her. She bows before leaving Stanley alone in the garden. Stanley was smiling at me while looking up the balcony. I stared him down, telling him I am the boss.

I leave my sister alone on the balcony and meet with Claudette half way and lead her towards my room in the mansion. To think I have to bring her inside my room, this is outrageous!

"What are you doing?" I asked when we're alone in my bedroom.

"Do you know what have you done to me? Your action is making me look bad in front of all these influential people. Did you forget that whenever we're in public, you belong to me and me alone? Should I remind me that?" She looked down.

"What if Amber saw you with him? Or worst, Avianna. They will laugh at me for not be able to take care of my own 'girlfriend. My patience has its own limit, you know. Do not get to my bad side." She apologized.

"I am well aware that I don't have the right equipment like those men you love so much. But please, I need your cooperation to make me look good in front of others! Don't you want to be praised? You have all those credentials from United University, being with me, I can mention one or two of those credentials and who knows you might have a better job in the future. Even better than the one you have now!" I then realized I've been yelling at her.

I took a deep breath before looking away from her.

"Now, when we walk out from this room. I want us to look happy. This is my father's first part as the president of this country. Do not embarrass me again. You and Stanley can have sex later on in his very room after the party is over." She finally looked up to me as if she's about to cry.

Her tears won't make me nervous anymore. To hell with her tears. She doesn't even know my own tears.

"Ma'am, I am not that low. You know what I've been through. Do you think I would go to the first man who is nice to me?" Oh ... she was ra- ...

"I will not embarrass you anymore. I'm sorry ma'am. I forgot that my whole existence is to serve you. I am yours to do whatever you wish to." Now I feel bad. I took another deep breath before apologizing to her. Why do I feel so weak whenever she's like this?!

I feel like a prick!

"Good. Before that, go and make yourself presentable. Your make up is ruin." She nodded before I showed her the bathroom and my closet.

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