Chapter 22

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"Hey, hey!"

Levi felt weight on his stomach, and peeped open an eye. Eren was straddling his lap while wearing a goofy grin. As soon as he saw Levi was awake, he leaned down and for a kiss. Levi returned the kiss tenfold, until Eren pulled away. The younger laughed, "Happy Valentine's day!"

"Morning breath," Levi grimaced. Eren flicked his nose. Levi let out a short laugh and pulled him back down, "Happy Valentine's day." He felt Eren smile against his mouth, and he slipped his tongue past Eren's lips. Eren suddenly pulled back,

"Ugh, yeah, you're right. Morning breath." Both broke out laughing.

Together, they made waffles for breakfast. They ate on the couch, legs crossed underneath them and pillows for tables. Eren was adamant that they watch Great Gatsby.

"This is a sad movie." Levi huffed.

"You're a sad movie." Eren shot back.

Levi joked, "Wow, I make you waffles and this is how you repay me?"

"Um, excuse you," Eren replied back in a matched tone, "I helped make these waffles, thank you very much."

"After you somehow burned half of them."

"No comment." Eren said with his mouth full. Levi just rolled his eyes. Eren added, "So, what are we doing today?"

"Well we have class." Levi pulled on his ear, and Eren whined.

"We can't! It's a holiday."

"You've skipped too much school young man."

"Yes father."

Levi pulled on his ear again, and Eren yelped. "But, we're going to dinner tonight. Wear something nice."

"Ooh!" Eren rubbed his red ear, "Where?"

"Like I'd tell you." Levi grabbed his plate and Eren's to take them to the kitchen.

He heard Eren yell as he walked away, "You are so mean to me!"

"Yes, I am so terrible."

Class couldn't have gone any slower. Eren honestly just wanted to spend time with Levi (which was pretty ironic, considering they were together all the time). Eren couldn't stop watching the clock. Armin sat next to him; Eren could tell he was just as anxious to leave. He didn't know a whole lot about all of his friend's plans for Valentines. He just knew that they were all having a hangout at some park tomorrow. As soon as the professor dismissed them, everyone fled the room in seconds. Eren knew that his senior wouldn't get out for another hour, so he went home. He got to work; cleaning the entire apartment in 60 minutes.

He vacuumed, dusted, and mopped every available spot. He rushed to clean all the dishes and managed to make the bed in time. Eren was putting away all the supplies as he heard the lock of the door begin to turn. He practically leaped for the couch, and flicked on the T.V. He placed himself into a lazy position as soon as Levi walked into the room.

"Yo, I'm back. You in here?"

"Watching T.V." Eren replied back.

"How was-oh woah it smells like bleach and flowers." Levi dropped his keys and bag on the counter.

"Hmm?" Eren flung his head over the side of the armrest so he was looking at Levi upside down.

The senior looked around the room and then raised an eyebrow, "Did you do this?"

"I just dusted a couple things is all," Eren shrugged, but his smile gave it away.

Levi nodded, "Not bad, not bad. I give it like a..." He extended his hand and shook it left and right, "B plus, maybe an A minus. Maybe."

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