Chapter 17

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Warning; mature chapter

Eren and Levi stumbled into his apartment hours later. Even though it was roughly four in the morning, he was still wide awake. I'm kind of proud that I didn't get totally destroyed tonight. Fuck yeah. Adult decisions. Look at me, all mature. Eren proudly slouched into the couch and watched Levi kick off his boots. He unhooked his wallet chain and threw off the suspenders he had hanging by his hips. He drank probably triple that I did. How is he...

"How on Earth are you standing up right?" Eren supported his hands behind his head.

Levi didn't look at him, "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"That's chickenshit, if anyone else consumed that much alcohol they would be totally MC-hammered."

"If I ever hear you say that again I'm breaking up with you." Levi deadpanned.

Eren genuinely laughed, "Mean!" He watched Levi suddenly stumble, and drop a plastic cup to the ground. He shook his head and reached down to grab it. Eren blinked. "Are you...are you actually drunk right now?"


"You totally are!" Eren sat up straight. "I didn't think it was possible."

"I have a small headache shut up brat."

Eren sang, "That means you're drunk."

"No I'm not."

The younger tsked, "Now, now, Levi. Denial isn't just a river in Egypt."

Levi paused mid-step and looked up at Eren with wide eyes. "You just made a Mark Twain reference. You're not smart enough to make a Mark Twain reference." Eren chucked a pillow in his direction and Levi caught it with one hand. He threw it back and hit Eren's face with precision. He smirked, "See, not too drunk to kick your ass."

"Ha! So you are drunk!"

Levi rolled his eyes and fell into the couch next to Eren. The younger curled up next to him, and Levi wrapped an arm around him. There was a comfortable silence until Eren broke it. In a spur of still feeling mature, he decided to talk out his thoughts like an adult.

"Why haven't we had sex yet?"

Levi blinked. He could always count on Eren to be bluntly honest. It was one of his good traits. Levi spoke slowly, "I thought we wanted to wait?"

"You wanted to wait." Eren corrected. Wow I sound thirsty as hell.

Levi nodded, "Yeah. "


"Because," Levi poked Eren's cheek, "You're not just some whore off the street. I don't want to hurt you."

"You hurt whores?"


The younger flashed a grin and turned to wrap his arms around Levi's neck, "I know you won't hurt me." He trailed his fingers through Levi's hair.

"That's not the point." Levi replied monotone.

"I get it, I get it," Eren lifted up his hands, "You want it to be super special awesome with like fireworks and all that shit, and I totally don't mind waiting. But like, Armin and Erwin have already done it and-"

"Thank you, for that little snippet of information." Levi rolled his eyes.

Eren laughed and leaned forward to kiss the older. Levi met him with the same amount of force, and woah- that's Levi's tongue in his mouth. Their kisses were loud, and their tongues battled for dominance. Eren sighed in annoyance because Levi always wins. Eren groaned and tightened his grip on Levi's hair. His lip ring dug into his skin, but he ignored it. He felt hands trail around the edge of his shirt, and he rolled his hips forward. Levi choked, "Fucking- Eren-."

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