Chapter 16

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Levi ran his fingers through Eren's newly cut hair. He could smell the fresh shampoo radiate off of him. Eren shifted so he could see the T.V. screen better, and laid his head back down on Levi's chest. Levi paused for a moment before returning his hands to Eren's hair.

"Do you even use your dorm anymore?" It came out rougher than Levi expected, but Eren got the point.

"Sorta. I keep all my stuff there."

"So you're paying rent for nothing?"

Eren shrugged, "Not really, Armin lives there too you know."

Levi snorted, "No he doesn't; he's practically moved into Erwin's place."

"I guess that's true..." Eren trailed off, suddenly lost in his thoughts. I guess it is a waste. Am I really that blind? I must be stupid. Eren paused at the fingers that massaged his neck. Or distracted...

"Move in with me." Levi demanded in a soft tone.

Eren blinked, "Move in with you?"

"That's what I said dipshit."

"I-i can't do that." Eren stuttered, not even blinking at the insult. "I'd feel like a total burden. Plus you're graduating in a year. I don't know how long" Eren trailed off, trying to push out the unhappy thoughts. Levi felt a surge of panic when he realized what the younger was trying to say.

"Woah, hey," Levi grabbed Eren's head with both hands and turned him so they were making eye contact. "I'm not leaving anytime soon, probably."

"Probably?" Eren repeated, worried.

Levi cleared his throat, "Yeah. I'll probably keep this apartment for a while after graduation."

Eren breathed out his relief, "Well...what are your plans after graduation? You never told me."

Levi sighed, "Honestly, I'm most likely going to stay at Scout for a while."

"You're going to have a graduate in business and you're going to stay working at a small clothing store?" Eren raised an eyebrow.

Levi smirked, "Well, the old man did offer to give me the place."

Eren bolted up into a sitting position, "Wait what?!"

Levi reached forwards to pull him back down, "Yeah, I guess he doesn't hate me so much after all. Said he could trust me with it or whatever. I kinda have plans for the place. I think if we opened a couple more, that little shop could become something much bigger."

Eren grinned and turned so he could wrap his arms around Levi's neck. "That's really awesome, you know."

"Yeah well." Levi pulled the younger into his lap. "What about you? Have you decided what you're going to major in?"

"I'm going to major in digital media." Eren said in a determined tone. "And minor in art."

Levi resisted the urge to grin, and nodded his approval. "See, I told you you'd figure it out."

Eren blinked, "You're not going to disapprove?"

"Of course not." Levi raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

Eren shrugged, "I dunno. Some people are like 'ahh that won't make any money you stupid shit.'"

Levi squeezed Eren's waist affectionately, which betrayed his stern tone, "Well I think you should do whatever makes you happy, idiot."

Eren flushed as he smiled and placed a kiss to Levi's cheek. The senior fake grimaced and Eren laughed.

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