Chapter 10

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"I have absolutely no idea what's going on right now."

"Shhh, Eren. Let it happen."

"Guys I can't feel my legs."

"Connie don't be a bitch."

Eren honestly didn't even know why he agreed to go to Auruo's house. Connie was being held upside down over the stair railing while Jean and Riener held open a bed sheet down below. Eren had no idea how it ended up like this and he didn't want to know. He sat on the couch a couple feet away and pulled out his phone.

' Levi come pick me up.'

Eren folded his arms on top of his knees and watched as Reiner assured Connie that they would catch him and that this was 'totally a good idea'. Eren's phone buzzed.

' you live across the fukin street dont be a lazy shit'

'I'm actually at auruos.'

'the fuck are you doing there'

'I honestly don't know'

'fine sit tight.'


Eren sat back into the couch. Ahh having a boyfriend that can drive is great. He immediately backpedaled his own thoughts. Boyfriends? Is that what we are? That's so weird. If they were dating, it didn't really feel like it. It had only been half a week since that incident in the storage room. They still acted normal around each other; Eren couldn't really see a difference. He was starting to feel a bit self-conscious. Should I talk to him about it? Eren sighed, No....I don't know. I'm so confused. If he's not happy he should just say it.

His thoughts were broken as Connie fell from the railing down to Reiner and Jean. Connie flopped right into the mattress, but the two tall boys lost their footing. Auruo could be heard laughing from on top of the stairs.

"Is it really necessary to get drunk at this hour?" Eren laughed.

"Shut the fuck up Eren." Jean propped himself up off the floor. "It's like 5. That's totally drinking time."

"We've been here since 3." Eren retorted.

"Nobody needs your sass Eren."

Eren hung out at Levi's apartment before finally deciding to walk back to his dorm. Levi offered to let him spend the night on the couch, but Eren had politely declined. He unlocked his room door and was met with a usual scene. Armin looked up from his book and grinned.

"How was Auruos?"

"Fuckin peachy." Eren replied lightheartedly. He flopped onto the bed.

"I heard Connie broke his arm."

"Did he really?"

"You were there!"

"I left early." Eren rolled over to plug in his iPhone and then returned to his spot sprawled out on the bed. "They were just being stupid."

"When are they not?" Armin chuckled. "Did you go hang out at Levi's?"

Eren nodded, "Yeah, just for a bit."

"I'm surprised you didn't spend the night." Armin wiggled his eyebrows.

Eren grabbed a nearby empty water bottle and chucked it at Armin, "Shut up! I wasn't feeling like it."

"Didn't want to do the do?"

"I'm gunna fuckin' kill you."

"You know, seal the deal."


"Jam the ham."

"I hate you."

Armin dodged another object, "But you guys are together now! I can totally make fun of you all I want."

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