Chapter 15

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Warning; Mature stuff

Eren collapsed onto his dorm room bed. He sighed into the pillows, and he heard Armin shuffling around next to him.

"Well that was a fun trip." He could hear Armin throw his bag onto the bed.

Eren nodded, it was pretty fun. The drive back home went by fast. Levi pulled up a movie on his phone, entertaining Armin, Mikasa, and Eren for two hours. (He had somehow convinced Mikasa to let him drive.) Eren was pleasantly surprised when Levi agreed to take the trip down to his mother's grave. If anything, he fell a bit more in love with the guy along the way. He's so rough around the outside, but...a kind person on the inside. All squishy. Like a chocolate truffle. Mmmm. Truffles. Eren looked around, and smirked, If he heard me say he'd kick my ass into next Tuesday.

"Do you think Mikasa made it back to her hotel okay?" Armin asked. Eren rolled over and placed his hands behind his head.

"Yeah, she's fine."

Armin fell backwards onto his bed. "I'm surprised at how well she got along with Levi."

"I know. I think they were just doing it for me." Eren laughed.

Armin laughed also. "Well Christmas eve is tomorrow. Maybe it's the season?"

Eren shrugged, "Could be." He glanced around their shared room. "We don't really spend a whole lot of time here anymore, huh?"

"Not really," Armin replied, "You're always at Levi's, and I'm always at Erwins."

Eren frowned, "Sorry you weren't able to spend Christmas with Erwin."

Armin waved him off, "It's okay. I'd prefer to spend it with you guys. Plus he said he's going to take me back to his parents in the next few months. I guess he had to go alone to kinda prepare them." Armin stretched out on his bed and a couple joints popped. "We already exchanged presents before we left."

" Wait wait," Eren held up a hand, "prepare them for what?"

Armin responded in a duh tone, "That he's dating a guy."

Eren rolled his eyes, "You're the spitting image of perfection. Don't worry about it." Armin flushed a little.

"Shut up! I am not."

Eren rolled his eyes again, but laughed nevertheless. "Keep telling yourself that buddy."

Armin rubbed his nose and mumbled, "What are we doing tomorrow?"

"I think we're going to the outdoor mall." Eren pushed himself into a sitting position and reached for his bag that he had flung onto the ground. "I'm also forcing Levi to buy a Christmas tree. That man is not festive."

Armin groaned, "Eren its Christmas eve. It's going to be crowded and cold and-"

Eren replied light heartedly, "Don't be a baby." He dodged a pillow thrown his way. "Hey! It's going to be fun. Every year they set up this place where you can walk through and look at Christmas lights."

"Fine." Armin crossed his arms. "But don't get mad at me when you cry about how cold it is."

Mikasa blinked, "That is a sad tree."

"Shut the fuck up." Levi heaved the miniature Christmas tree onto a piece of furniture that they had pushed into the back corner of the room. Armin suggested putting it up high to make the tree look...not so small. Levi wiped his hands off on his jeans, "Fuckin' mess. I wouldn't have even bothered if it wasn't for your stupid brother."

Eren ran up behind Levi and laughed, wrapping his arms around the smaller. "Thank you Levi!"

"Yeah, you're cleaning all this up." Levi scowled at the pine needles that were now scattered around his living room. "Why did you want a damn tree anyways?"

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