Chapter 57

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If you're mine, you're mine. I'm not sharing you with anyone else.



I seemed to have been listening to my playlist on repeat since I came to my grandmother's. I loved getting lost in the music. It kept me away from thinking about my life, about how lost I felt and how hurt I still was.

Raphael had sent me a message requesting for a date. He said we needed to talk in a neutral place, a  suggestion that meant our venue was going to be one of the best hotels in my home town. I knew he wanted to seduce me, to show me the side of him that I loved, the side I couldn't ignore, the side that I always gravitate towards. He knew my weakness and a date of this kind meant he would have a chance to switch on his charisma in full force.

Pulling out of the bed contemplating whether I should reply to his text message or not, I decided to take a walk. I had a lot to think about, mostly about my relationship with Raphael and my state of mind considering it was almost New Year; the same day I was to find out about my mother.

I wore a woolen dress with a belt on the waist and flat ankle boots, a look that could have placed me in the seventies but still chic.  I looked beautiful and casual as I gazed at myself on the mirror that stood at the far end of my room next to the door. My eyebrows looked bushy however, but overall I looked okay to be seen in public.

Have you ever wanted to look sexy to make your man jealous? To want him crazy enough to beg for forgiveness? To want to flirt with any man who came near you because you wanted to punish him?

That is exactly how I felt!

Walking was cathartic, hearing people laugh right left and center as I entered the park was more that welcome, it gave me a sense of life, driving away my melancholy. I watched children chase each other, mothers shouting for their children to be careful, lovers gazing deeply into each other's eyes, others kissing, while others just shyly held each other's hand. Those, I suspected were just in the beginning of their relationship.

I sat silently alone on a bench, breathing in the fresh air, basking in the freedom of nature, trying really hard not to think about my own relationship with Raphael, or the woman who had been in his arms.

The woman whose face couldn't leave my brain, her oval face full of cheap makeup and fake blonde hair which had fallen beautifully over her shoulder. Her petite form in the arms of the man I still loved. She wasn't ugly or bad looking (not that I didn't wish she was) but it seemed unfair to be mad at her because she wasn't the one who betrayed me, she didn't know he was in a relationship and even though she knew, it probably was her job, maybe she was a hooker, that is what they do.

I exhaled loudly, opening my shoulder bag to pull out my phone to check the time. I saw four missed calls all of them from my grandmother. I wondered what the emergency was considering my grandmother only called me occasionally.

I dialed her number as a small girl came up to me, looking lovely in a pick coat and jean short, her hair braided in pigtails. She was looking at me expectantly, her small eyes squinting forcefully like she was trying to make out something from my face.

"Hello"' I said to her at the same time my grandmother said it from the other end.

It turned out my grandmother wanted to know where I had run out to without telling her and also to let me know Raphael dropped at the house to see me.

What the hell was he up to?

What was he playing at?

Calculating bastard!

Bred In Violence (A Mafia Romance Book One) #𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟏Where stories live. Discover now