Love Variations

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Hi My darlings,

I hope you've all been well. I have missed you and I thank you for all your comments. They keep me engaged and interestingly make me want to understand our inherent beliefs and our difference as well.

Following the comments on the chapter Sophie finds out Raphael had an encounter with another woman weeks after they broke up, it got me thinking;

a)What is love?

b)Do we all have the exact same defination of what love really is?

And my conclusion is no. Some people said Sophie had no right to be mad because they had already broken up, others became so protective of her and pissed at Raphael on her behalf. These very interesting views led me to conduct a small research on what people around me thought about love. Basing it on age groups and girls.

Between 16-25years, most girls on this group believe in love. The 'I'll love you forever kind of love' The Cinderella story. But as we grow older, we become jaded. Single girls between 26-30 still believe in love, but not perfect love. I think this age group realizes that no human is perfect and therefore love can't be. They leave an open door for mistakes, they learn to forgive and I think the hardest part (for those romance lovers) is learning to unlearn what they thought love was all about.

We eventually grow up and after hitting 30years, most of us have already had one if not more heartbreaks. We start thinking maybe deep love is only in books and movies. But sometimes, just sometimes, we glimpse a little of love by meeting real couples, but then we tell ourselves, maybe this kind of passionate, endearing, beautiful love is just for a chosen few, which is sad and such a tragedy because we all deserve this all consuming kind of love.

The late 30s are the saddest of the age group I spoke to. These girls do not, in any way or form believe in passionate love. They believe in compatibility, great sex. But not in 'love you to your soul' kind. Don't you think this is sad?

Which kind of love do you believe in?

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