Chapter 11

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I contemplated that response, looking at him for any sign he was lying, but I couldn't read him. He was so hard to read; he gave nothing away. I had a feeling that Raphael gave away what he chose to show and nothing more.

" I need to go home; Gabriella must be panicking at this time. I always call her when I know I'll be late". I said, looking at him, my eyes pleading.

"She might call my grandmother out of fear that something bad has happened to me." I continued; my hunted look must have made an impression on him because he cursed in Italian then turned to the door, his back stiff, and I could feel the anger emanating from him.

"Fine, you can call her." I heard him say as he left, banging the door so hard I thought it would crash.

I suppressed a sigh. I didn't have a phone because I must have dropped my things when I fainted, and I didn't really think Raphael would have had the time to pick them up for me. He wouldn't have had the time considering he just killed someone.

Getting us out of there must have been the first and the only thing he cared about.

Oh, Lord. I was scared. My head started running so many scenarios I was sure my life as I know it was coming to an end.

What if someone saw my things lying beside the body and thought I was the killer? Was one of the many scenarios I thought about

I can't go to jail; it would kill my grandmother. What if Raphael frames me for the murder? I have no money, nor did I have the conviction to defend myself.

I doubt anybody could believe Raphael killed the man, and I fainted and then found myself in his house. Which jury would believe that?


This is was a nightmare, but no luck because I wasn't about to wake up and find this was a bad dream. This was real. I will probably be termed as a conspirator to murder.

I imagined going to court, my grandmother in tears, and Gabs trying to comfort her.

I heard the door open, and I saw Raphael step in. He had a small, slim mobile phone, which he grudgingly extended towards me.

I forgot my dilemma for a bit as my excitement to talk to Gabs overtook the panic.

My eagerness seems to amuse Raphael as I grabbed the phone, almost afraid he would change his mind and leave without me getting a chance to speak with Gabs.

Holding the phone to my heart, I glanced at him, giving a hint that I needed privacy, but he didn't budge. The guy just stood there, legs apart, arms at his chest, staring at me.

"Can I have some privacy, please" I demanded

"No, you can't!"

"Why not? You can just stand there and eavesdrop on my conversation," I told him tautly. "Furthermore, isn't that infringing my privacy?" I continued, angrily staring at him.

He didn't feel fazed; he just stood still like I hadn't spoken.

I decided to make the call anyway. He wasn't going to budge, and I needed to speak to Gabs.

"Tell her you're okay," He tells me.

"But I'm not okay; I can't just lie to her," I said, so appalled that he could have the audacity to tell me to feed my best friend a falsity. "She will know I'm lying."

"How will she know? She is not psychic, is she" He was definitely mocking me now.

"Do I make your evening entertainment? I just witnessed a murder! And the guy who pulled the trigger brought me to his house and is now demanding that I lie to my best friend." I was now shouting, and I didn't care.

"I have no idea whether you're going to kill me also or frame me for the murder. I continued, looking at him, shedding tears uncontrollably.
" I'm scared," I said, my voice breaking.

Suddenly Raphael looked uncomfortable, but he did not budge.

"No, I will not kill nor frame you for the murder I committed. I just want to protect you," Raphael tells me.

"Protect me from whom?" I asked. I needed answers. I had a feeling I was living in a precipice. My life was about to change, and I knew I wouldn't like the changes.

"From my enemies," he says

"Why would your enemies want to hurt me? I asked, surprised at that. " I have known of you for like a week; in fact, this is the second time we're meeting. Forgive me if I don't believe you! "

He looked at me, then walked to the window, his back to me and this hands in his pockets.

"I didn't know were scared; I guess I'm used to my life that I have forgotten what fear looks or feels like. But Sophie, I'm not keeping you with me for my own benefit. I have enemies who will kill you without a second thought to get to me" His voice sounded serious; a part of me believed him, but another part of me wanted to know how or why anybody would think killing me would make any difference in this man's life.

I wanted to ask him, yet I didn't think I was ready for the answer. So I didn't.

I did what I thought he needed me to do. I asked what he thought I should say to Gabs and then did exactly as he said.

Just like I suspected, she didn't believe a word I said, and I told Raphael as much.

"We'll work out something soon," he said as he walked out.

I was left alone in the room. His room. I got up to look around; his room was huge. The windows were as big as the wall facing some kind of a lake. I wondered why they wanted to move, this was a beautiful view, but then again, this was the only room I had to see so far.

I needed to shower, but I had no chance of clothes, but I felt filthy. I opened the closet, which looked bigger than my whole house.

Wow! I thought. Raphael owned as many clothes and shoes as a store. I pulled several drawers looking for a towel. I finally did find a towel. Not one but several of them arranged in color. I pulled a white one and headed to the bathroom.

Holy molly!

This was massive. I stripped down and stood on the water spray, washing away the last twelve hours of the tragedy, fatigue, and what I thought was a bad decision. I didn't know how to move on, where to go from here, but a shower was the beginning.

I got out, and since I had nothing of my own to wear, I wore his boxers and a white shirt. I didn't care whether he liked it or not; it was his fault I was in this situation. He can deal with me wearing his clothes.

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Bred In Violence (A Mafia Romance Book One) #𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟏Where stories live. Discover now