Chapter 18

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A kiss is a secret told to the mouth instead of the ear; kisses are the messengers of love and tenderness.
-Ingrid Bergman-


"I want to pick some toiletries from my house Raphael, and I'm sure Gabriella would too," Sophie said. Her eyes pleading with me.

'Can't I pick them up for you?" I gave her a small smile, but it only made her uneasy.

She blushed, tucking her hair behind her ears.

"No, it's private stuff," she whispered.

"Girly stuff, you mean?" I couldn't help teasing her. She blushed again, adorably so.

She nodded, twisting her entwined hair covering almost half her face. She looked beautiful, her lips had a natural pout, and they looked very red.

"Where did you get the lipstick?" I didn't really care; I just wanted a distraction from thinking about her lips.

"Had it in my handbag."

She lowered her eyelashes and bit her bottom lip, and I temporarily forgot how to breathe.

Why the hell did I start a conversation on lips when I didn't want to fixate on them?

I stared at her for almost a minute; I couldn't take my eyes off her. She was stunning; her top bared her arms. I still remembered how soft she felt on my arm.

I placed my hands in my pockets to keep from reaching out for her.

"What do you need?"

She brushed her hair back from her face using both hands. Her face had this intense look like she expected me to say no and prepared to battle out with me. It was charming.

"Home," she whispered.

I wanted to tell her it's wasn't safe, but I did not. My hands fisted in frustration, looking outside, watching as the sun disappeared. Dusk was coming; maybe it'll be safer to drive her home in darkness.

How ironic that after spending years without caring what people thought of me or how they saw me, suddenly, I wanted to make a good impression. I wanted Sophie to like me.

My mind said I should say no and stick to it, but my heart wanted to please her, so I said yes.

Then she gave me a hesitant smile, almost shyly, a smile that showed her uncertainty​. But I was determined to let her have her way today.

They'll be days when I will constantly say no to her wishes to protect her.

"I need to tell Gabs," she hurriedly walked past me, giving me a final glance before leaving me in a room that unexpectedly felt empty without her.

Striding out of the room, I came up to the front of the house, waiting for Sophie as I scrolled through my phone.

I heard their light footsteps and excited chatter​. I concentrated on Sophie's voice, which I had come to know quite well.

It was almost 7 pm, and I knew nonna was about to call us in for supper, but it had to wait; this was urgent.

Without having to ask, Romano came out looking better than he had earlier.

"Bruno is bringing out the car," he said, standing beside me in silence as we waited.

I noticed Sophie holding Gabriella's arm in a comforting manner; the curiosity to know about these two increased.

Bred In Violence (A Mafia Romance Book One) #𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟏Where stories live. Discover now