Chapter 43

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Months passed and Alexander and Lynn were becoming distant memories for Anabella, she was working so hard with appearances and photo shoots for both the hotels she hardly had time to even think about them. Not having her bestfriend around really hurt her, but she was now the face of two hotels her head space was in a completely different place. Anabella was having a small interview with a group of young girls who wanted to get into modelling. She sat on a tall stool with the group seated in a semicircle in front of her. She wore a yellow off the shoulder flounced top with black floral printed pants.

The group went around asking her questions, and she answered the questions quickly sharing advice and life experiences. Margaret came up with this project of getting Anabella more involved in the community. She saw her daughter down and she finally found a way to get Anabella out of the hotel. After Lynn and Alexander left Anabella drowned herself in work, and you could see the smiles in her pictures were fake, she didn't look like herself. Behind her eyes people could tell something was wrong with her, after a while she started to get back to her old self and the project really helped. Anabella loved working with the young girls, she did makeup with a group who were in a teen competition and it was like having a whole bunch of sisters she never had.

Anabella laughed at their reactions to her answer to a question,

"Ok ok, next question?" she asked and the hands shot up, she pointed to the girl in the back and girl looked around, "Yes, you."

She stood up smiling brightly as everyone looked at her, the girl was tall and very beautiful smile with big brown eyes,

"Do you have a boyfriend?" she asked cocking her head to a side before sitting, Anabella chuckled a bit uncomfortable but she answered,

"No, I don't" she replied,

"Have you ever been in love?" another asked and they oh-ed at the awkward look on her face,

"I have, recently also"

"What was he like?" a quiet voice in the front asked,

"You don't even know if it's a he, she could be gay for all we know" her friend next to her slapped her playfully as they laughed. Anabella thought about him for a few moments before she sighed and answered,

"Well it was a he, and he was like no one I ever met before sweet, caring, he was my friend and my boyfriend. He made me feel like I didn't have to be anyone else but me"

"Why aren't you all together then?" the girl who asked the initial question shrugged awkwardly,

"Sometimes two people could be perfect for each other and for that reason they're wrong for each other" the girls looked confused but Anabella knew exactly what she meant.

After a few more questions Anabella left, this was the first time she actually thought about him since he left; since she made him leave. She wondered how he was doing, how was his work, if his life was going well these last few months. She had so many questions about who he really was if the person she knew was really Alexander Hunter or maybe what they had was a joke.

Anabella drove quietly as she thought about him she was headed to Zerah's to collect a dress. They were a staff party with the two hotels, she wasn't planning on going but she was the face she had no choice but to go. She parked and made her way to Zerah's. Zerah was busy as usual and just handed her the dress before she left. Anabella was going to head back home but she was feeling hungry and decided to get something. Anabella waltzed through the mall her eyes drifting from store to store. She looked at her reflection in a store window and grinned at how she looked. Anabella took a seat at Lime Bar before ordering a quick lunch, as she enjoyed the ambiance. She looked over her shoulder at a sight which made her heart drop.

He was smiling brightly with her as they walked hand in hand, she was glowing, showing the signs of her pregnancy. It was enough to make her cry right there in that moment but within seconds she received another blow to the chest; they weren't alone. Following closely behind them was Lynn and Michael. Lynn's pregnancy was also showing now she was about 4 months pregnant, her belly poked out slightly in the dress she wore. The group looked happy as they walked along, Anabella couldn't believe they were all friends let alone Destiny and Alexander was a couple. Her throat tightened and she blinked away the tears which threatened to burst from her eyes,

"Here's your order" the young man brought her food, Anabella grabbed the bag quickly before bolting from the bar trying to escape the truth in front of her. She walked quickly looking down trying to avoid them seeing her when she bumped into a couple causing her food to crash to the floor. The sound caused everyone to look in her direction including the ones she was trying to get away from. Anabella's teary eyes met Alexander's, he looked like he showed a bit of emotion before his face returned neutral. Lynn and Michael had a similar look but they just ignored, Destiny looked a bit shocked but she just turned back to Alexander with a cheeky grin on her face. Anabella apologised quickly before running to her car. Anabella's tears seeped from her eyes, her chest burned as she cried in the comforts of her car. She gripped the steering wheel tightly as her emotions escaped her.

This wasn't what she expected to see, she still thought they could work things out later down the road. She thought she was prepared to see him, but she wasn't, Alexander and Destiny were together. They all looked happy it was as if she didn't exist like if they never even knew her. She felt sick to her stomach, she rested her head on the headrest as her salty tears streamed down her face. Everyone moved on except her.

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