Chapter 33

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Anabella continued to glance at Alexander who wasn't moving his hand at all. He gently rubbed his fingertips along her inner thigh. Alexander took a bite of his slice of pizza smiling at her, she massaged him through his jeans and he didn't budge instead he ran his finger along the seam of her panties. She tried to close her legs but he gripped her thigh tightly, she almost moaned but swallowed it before it escaped her lips. Alexander was enjoying watching her squirm under his touch, he had her right where he wanted her. She was a prisoner to his touch and he was unlocking every door with every inch closure to her heated sex. She tried to get to him also but the material of the jeans was so thick and how he was sitting he couldn't feel a thing, How about I make it worse? He thought smirking,

"Lynn, did Anabella tell you I met her mother?"

"No, she didn't" Lynn's face pinched into a frown, "Since when we keeping secrets sis!"

"She didn't? Why don't you tell her" Alexander insisted with a smile as Anabella glared at him with a subtle shake of her head, but he just smirked,

"Uh Well" she started, he didn't move his hand so she thought it was safe to speak, "It was the other day we were in the ele-" she swallowed hard when his fingers dipped under her undergarments, Alexander propped his hand on the table staring at her just daring her to say another word, "Elevator and she saw us"

"You're leaving out so much lemme help" he said pressing his index finger onto her nub, and she nodded quickly, "So we were in the elevator kissing, her hands were in my pants"

"What! Tha-" he pressed it and she automatically shut up,

"Come on don't lie, then she was fighting with my zip and the elevator doors opened, right?" and she nodded, he cocked an eyebrow at her,

"YES!" she screamed, as soon as she was going to reply he flicked it, and Lynn and Michael laughed at her, Anabella was blushing like crazy, but she was actually enjoying this. She could feel the moisture seeping from her body.

"She's really nice she invited me over for lunch"

"Can we come too?" Lynn smiled "Margaret makes the best ravioli" she beamed from her chair,

"I don't see why not" he finished before removing his hand. Anabella sighed at this action, she wanted his hands on her but she would just have to wait a little longer.

After they finished up their pizza and got tired of talking Lynn suggested they go over to the boardwalk, everyone liked that idea and soon gathered their things before going over,

"Wait! I'll be right back" Anabella said darting off to the bathroom, they waited a while for her before Alexander urged the others to go on and they'll catch up. She was gone for so long he thought maybe someone got her, or even Destiny was following them. He made his way to the bathroom and was about to knock on the ladies room door when it swung open, his hand remained awkwardly in the air,

"Hi" she smiled pleasantly,

"Uh hi, just came to make sure you were ok"

"I'm fine" she said, walking towards him slowly, she had a fire in her eyes that he saw the night he told her about Destiny. She walked until he pulled her towards his body, "I just thought you should know I'll get you back for that" she whispered kissing his neck,

"I can't wait" his raspy voice replied,

"And I wanted to give you something" he looked down at her smaller frame confused when Anabella waved her panties at him slyly,

"What's gotten into you?" he chuckled taking them,

"You" she soothed rearranging her clothing,

"Not yet, not yet" he replied giving her a little slap on the bottom as they left the bathroom area.

They crossed the road and found Lynn and Michael taking pictures on the sand, Lynn turned everything into a photo shoot and who could blame her, with a body like hers she could be wearing a potato sack with dirt in her hair and she could still pull off a flawless look. They watch from behind when Lynn waves her over,

"Come!" she shouted to Anabella who shrugged to Alexander and went over to her,

"Am I practice for the baby?" she remarked shaking her head at her,

"Shut up and smile" she whirled her towards Michael who was ready to take the pictures. They posed several times taking as many pictures in the dazzling sunlight. Anabella found herself smiling so hard that she cheeks were hurting, she was genuinely happy in this moment.

"You think I didn't see yall huh" Lynn said through her smile,


"I swear you act so innocent but you're lowkey a freak. Getting fondled while I'm trying to enjoy a slice of pizza?" Anabella's face dropped and her face was pale, then it switched to a blush,

"We both know I'm no saint but was it that obvious?"

"Oh no, I was making a guess you just confirmed" Lynn laughed happily,

"Sneaky bitch" Anabella laughed out as the guys approached them to take a group picture. They got a passer-by to take it for them and from the result, they were all pleased. The two couples headed back to their homes, Alexander offered to take Lynn and Michael home but they insisted they were fine with getting a taxi. Anabella waved to them as the taxi left, and she headed back to the car where Alex was waiting for her. She got in gazing at him while he was on the phone, she adored him the look on her face was one of pure love. She didn't want to say it yet, but she felt it,

"Ok, ok, I'll be there tomorrow" he hurried, "But- fine, I'll be in the office" he groaned hanging up,

"Who was that?"

"Uhh my father, he owns shares in the hotel, when I'm not bartending I'm in the office, which I hate. Shovelling paperwork isn't my thing"

"Aww, poor baby" she stroked his bearded chin giving him a pout,

"Baby? I'm a grown man" he sassed,

"I wasn't speaking about you, I was talking about me what am I to do with myself tomorrow?" she tapped her chin and he laughed pulling her into a kiss. While their lips locked Anabella got a feeling someone was watching them, She pulled away from the kiss to see no one but she couldn't fight that feeling,

"Everything alright?"

"Yea everything is fine" she replied looking around,

"Let's get you home"

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