Chapter 19

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"You did it outside on a table?" Lynn asked laughing trying to keep a serious face, "And you wanna kill me for having sex on the floor?"

"Shut up! It was amazing"

"A bee wouldn't even fly pass and sting you on your ass" Lynn cackled while bringing the wine bottle to her head.

It was a quiet Monday night and they spent it on the couch talking Lynn was giving herself a tour of the house while Anabella ate her Burger King,

"I find something a bit strange tho" Lynn voiced and Anabella looked up at her while she took a bite of her chicken, "Yall been in this house together alone for basically two days right?"


"And wanna haven't had sex yet? Don't you find it strange?"

"I don't see anything wrong with it, he's really patient so I don't see it as strange" she shrugged shoving a few chips in her mouth, "And either way I didn't want our first time to be outside on a table, I got a fantasy of wearing sexy lingerie and candles and all that sexy bullshit" she confessed and Lynn chuckled,

"Girl only one person has ever done all that for me, and that was Michael. After you left Saturday night he told me he has a surprise for me, he put me out of the bedroom and was in there setting it up" she blushed "It was really sweet with candles and stuff then we had shower sex"

"Yall just wild, to be honest, that's why imma stay here to give yall some privacy"

"And have sex with Alex don't forget that part. I still think its strange" Lynn jumped onto the couch next to her.


Alexander drove to Oistins to wait for Jeremy by Miami Beach. He parked and waited for Jeremy, after 5 minutes Jeremy parked alongside him and got in the passenger side of the car.

"What you calling me out by a beach in the middle of the night for?" he argued while he got in,

"Look" Alexander simply said giving Jeremy his phone showing him the pictures of Destiny,

"Shit" he spoke as the swiped through the pictures, with each picture it got worse, "When did this happen?"

"At the party" he said, in the pictures, her face wasn't clear but Alexander's was, "And now she wants me to have sex with her or she'll send them out"

"What the fuck, you being serious?" Alexander nodded,

"I can't let that happen for my sake and Anabella's"

"So what you saying that you're gonna do it? If you were single I wouldn't care but you gotta think about her. I would've told you to go ahead but come on you could be putting her in danger, did you use a condom?"

"I told you I don't remember anything I don't know what she did to me other than whats in these pictures" Alexander frown became deeper as he got angrier,

"Tell me you didn't have sex with Ana" Jeremy's voice was full of concern as Alexander sat next to him,

"No, that's why I haven't had sex with her. I would've if she didn't send me those pictures"

"Nahhh you gotta go get tested like tomorrow" Jeremy shook his head in this belief "This is fucked up"

"I know and I don't know what to do, if I have sex with her I'm cheating on Anabella, I literally just got together with her" he rested his head on the steering wheel, "And then I won't be able to face her when I go home but if I don't those pictures go out and I run the risk of them being sent to her"

"You just have to tell her the truth before that's all" Jeremy stated and Alexander looked at him mortified "Don't look at me so you gotta tell her, it's not like it was when yall were together"

"Oh also Destiny knows Anabella she found my house and told Anabella she was my neighbor"

"What the rasshole" Jeremy chuckled "Bruh you took her soul?"

"I was just there helpless I did nothing she's crazy" Jeremy chuckled at him as he tossed his arms up in frustration, Alexander's phone lit up as an unknown number popped up on his phone, he answered it putting it on speaker.

"Hey Alexander" she cooed into the phone happily, and Alexander mouthed 'It's her' to Jeremy, "When will you be coming? I'm waiting for you baby"

"Don't call me baby, send me your location"

"Don't forget who can ruin you and your little girlfriend's relationship, you gotta be nicer to me" she said in a low voice "I'll send it, don't take long I'm ready for you" she said hanging up and sent him her location,

"You're not gonna do this" Jeremy said plainly,

"So what are we gonna do?"

"I don't know but you aren't going through with that shit"


Anabella and Lynn were 2 movies deep into their girls night. The wine bottles were low more popcorn was popping and the junk food was even more delicious than usual.

Anabella sauntered from the kitchen joining her as she was cuddled up in a warm blanket as 'Bridesmaids' played. The Christ Church air nipped at them as they watched. Lynn's phone rang and she answered, obviously it was Michael,

"Hell-" Lynn began to giggle, "I haven't even been gone that long" Anabella listened to one side of the phone call she could hear, as she tossed some of the salted popcorn into her mouth. Lynn walked around grinning as she spoke on the phone and Anabella decided to message Alex

'Hey babe I hope you're ok' she sent and seconds later she saw him typing,

'I miss you so no I'm not ok' he responded quickly,

'Youre the one that left me! Don't get into any trouble' she sent putting her phone down. Anabella didn't doubt he was going to be fine, but she wondered why he didn't tell her where he was going.

Stop overthinking.

She thought shaking any questionable thoughts from her mind.

Yall are gonna hate me after this. 


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