Chapter 32

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Anabella and Lynn sat in the back while Michael joined Alexander in the front. Alexander pulled out of the car park with no idea of where he was going. He had planned for an intimate lunch with Anabella then they would head back home for a movie of her choice, but now he had to think of something quick. He headed towards the south coast, hopefully he'd find something that appealed to him.

Anabella and Lynn conversed in the back while their boyfriends were discussing basketball,

"I'm really happy for you" Anabella whispered to Lynn,

"I know, I'm just a little scared" Lynn shrugged,

"Why? Didn't you want to have a baby?"

"Yes of course, who wouldn't its just" Lynn sighed, "I'm gonna have to tell them" she replied and Anabella nodded,

"We could tell them together" Anabella replied taking her friend's hand, "I'm with you in everything." she said comforting her. Lynn didn't interact with her parents at all, they didn't like her wild side and she left home at 18. Lynn and Anabella dreamed of being models, but her parents didn't want that for her they wanted her to be a doctor. They told her that Anabella was filling her head with dreams and she needed to get her head out of the clouds and into some books. They kept her rounded by sending her to ballet and piano but Lynn would sneak out to audition for modeling gigs. Lynn hasn't seen her parents in years but she always vowed if she ever had a child it had to know its grandparents.

"Now that we've spoken about me" she nudged Anabella's side,

"It was going good, until that dumb bitch beat herself up and accused me of doing it" Anabella whispered looking at Alexander's eyes in the rearview mirror, they were on the road. Thank God, she thought,

"SHE DID WHAT!" Lynn exclaimed causing the two men to glance at them, "Oh no she fucking didn't"

"Shhhhh" Anabella shushed her as Alexander's eyes were drifting to her ever so often,

"You need to do something about her" Lynn whispered, after her outburst,

"I know"

"I'll get a gun"


"What? I know how to dispose of a body" Lynn proclaimed and Anabella laughed heartily. Even though she didn't want to kill her, she really did wish she'd disappear and never come back. Is that such a bad wish? She thought. Anabella didn't regret getting into a relationship so fast, she liked building a relationship. Probably not what everyone thought was ideal but so far she really liked Alexander. He wasn't afraid to show her his weaknesses and he'd try to think outside of the box to make her happy. Maybe it was too soon, but for right now she was having an amazing time with him. Only a few days together and she felt like she knew him her entire life. Destiny was just a roadblock, a really big roadblock that if she was pregnant one she'd have to deal with for a really long time. Baby Mama Drama came to mind as Anabella looked out the window.

Along the way, Alexander figured out exactly where they were going to have lunch. New York Pizza, who could resist a nice slice of pizza. He drove to Rockley pulling into the Quayside complex. A small complex filled with shops and restaurants and the perfect ambiance for a nice afternoon out for two couples. He parked and they climbed out with Anabella and Lynn still whispering away over to the side. Alexander figured they were talking about Destiny when he heard Lynn's outburst. She didn't do quiet very well. They got silent when they saw him coming,

"Where are we going?" Anabella asked clinging to his arm,

"Pizza" he stated with a smile leading the way and they followed.

They walked into the establishment talking happily and they were greeted by three girls who stood near the counter,

"Good afternoon" they said smiling sweetly at them but particularly at Michael and Alexander. Anabella and Lynn shared glances before stepping in front of the two men,

"Hi" Anabella said flatly giving the girls a sweet smile. She wasn't the aggressive type she just needed to show who he was with. They averted their eyes quickly and Alexander chuckled going to her side, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"You're something else" he whispered to her as the others went over the menu,

"You like it" she replied grinning at him. The flash of a camera got her attention and she looked up to find Lynn taking several pictures of them, Anabella was about to lunge across the store and fight her when Alexander grabbed her pulling her into a deep kiss. She melted at his touch and got drunk off of the kiss,

"I swear if you don't marry him I'm gonna kill you" Lynn laughed pleased with Alexander. Anabella rolled her eyes, between Alexander and Lynn she never got a minute to breathe.

They decided on two N.Y Size pizzas one in Meat Delight with ham, pepperoni and minced pork and a vegetable topped with corn, pineapple, onions, green peppers, and mushrooms. This pizza caused the argument of pineapple on pizza, Michael thought it was disgusting while Lynn and Anabella were adamant it belonged on pizza,

"I can't believe I'm with a pineapple hater" Lynn spoke dramatically putting her hand to her head as if she was about to faint,

"Baby come on, pineapple is fruity. Pizza is savoury they don't go together" Michael retorted as the waited outside at a round table with a large umbrella,

"I can't believe I'm having a baby with a pineapple hater" she gawked and Anabella and Alexander laughed while Michael rolled his eyes as she tried to shift her chair from next to him,

"Imagine carrying that baby for 9 months only for it to be a pineapple hater like its father" Anabella spoke,

"O hell no! You better don't pass that on to my precious bundle!" she pointed at him aggressively, from her seat before leaning over a giving him a quick peck since he looked slightly annoyed. A smile spread on his face,

"I know you're  joking but still, pineapple doesn't belong on pizza" he finished.

The conversation continued around the table and at one of the jokes Anabella found her hand resting on Alexander's lap. Alexander's laugh became choked in his throat at her touch,

"You ok?" Lynn asked quickly, Anabella couldn't drag back her hand because they would know what happened,

"Yea I'm fine" he replied and she took his word for it before they continued talking. Anabella drew back her hand slowly trying, she felt him grow under the palm of her hand. She knew he was having a hard time, she was too, but if they waited to make sure he was free of everything then she could have him completely. The pizzas were ready and she collected them bringing them back to the table. Lynn tried to force Michael to have a slice of the veg pizza but he refused severely times.

"I'm sorry" Anabella leaned over whispering to Alexander and he just nodded taking her hand under the table. She thought it was a sweet gesture until he moved his hand to the split of her dress, sliding his hand between her thighs. Her eyes widened as she glared at him but he gave her a sly grin before going back to his pizza. He wants to play? We can play. 

Author's Note:

Team Pineapple on Pizza or Team No Pineapple on Pizza?

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