Chapter 11

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Thomas groaned as he woke up, and rolled slowly in the backseat of the jeep,

"Ughhh! My head is killing me" he said rubbing his brow,

"Ah. You're up. Finally" she rolled her eyes as he smiled at her, sitting up,

"Thanks" he continued rubbing his face "I feel like shit"

"You look like shit" she quipped repositioining in her seat, he climbed from the back into the front seat through the space between the two seats. He had dirt and vomit in his hair from the many times Anabella dropped him. He looked at an unfamiliar scar on his forearm,

"That's from me"

"I'm sorry" Thomas apologized,

"I don't give a shit how sorry you are. You put yourself in so much danger. I'm not always gonna be here to pick your ass up and sure as hell I won't be taking the blame for your ass ever again!" she huffed and he remained silent.



3 years ago

The hotel was crawling with drunk teens, when Anabella and Lynn pushed their way through the crowd they finally made it inside the hotel room to find Thomas chugging down a large mug full of beer, the people around him cheered and was having a great time until he looked up and found Anabella with an irate look on her face,

"What the hell are you doing?" she asked, their parents went out and Anabella and Lynn went out to get food when they got the food they got a message 'Party at Crown Majesty'. They hurried back to find the entire hotel filled with teenagers. Thomas grinned,

"Lighten up Ana. Not like they gonna be back anytime soon. Have a beer" Thomas said giving it to her, going back to partying with his friend. Moments later their parents busted through the hotel room,

"What is going on here?" Andrew bellowed through the room and in that moment it seemed like a scene from a movie, the music stopped and everyone stared at him, "Everyone out!" his words echoed and the teens scattered, running from every direction, Anabella and Lynn stood with beers in their hands while Thomas stood innocently behind them.

"Daddy it's no-"

"Shut up! We leave the hotel for a few minutes and end up getting a call about a disturbance" he erupted and Anabella jumped as he was in her face,

"I'm sorry daddy it-"

"I don't wanna hear it Ana!" he shouted and she gave Thomas a side eye who stood behind her quietly,

"But it wasn't her" Lynn began and Andrew snared at her,

"Was I speaking to you? You're lucky I even tolerate your presence"

"Don't talk to her like that!" Anabella replied and her father raised his hand to hit her but her mother grabbed his arm,

"Don't you dare lay a finger on her" Margaret interrupted him and he took a breath,

"Ana you're gonna have to spend the week working in the hotel"


Anabella drove with the music blasting so Thomas wouldn't say anything to her. She always took the blame for him even when it was clear to see that Thomas was in the wrong. She sighed taking a deep breath as she gave him a side glance, he stared outside of the car. She really hated having to take the blame for him, she was forced to work as a dishwasher or help cut huge chunks of meat in the kitchen. Many of those nights she fell asleep inside of the freezer and her mother would have to come get her. She shook her head at him, even at 21 Thomas still couldn't help himself around alcohol.

Anabella made a left on the straight drive back to the hotel and Thomas looked up at her as she pulled into the parking lot of Just Grillin',

"What do you want?" she said plainly, he frowned "You can't expect to go in a food place smelling like dried vomit" she rolled her eyes at him as she grabbed her purse stepping out into the warmth of the morning.

She looked at her clothing and sighed she usually wouldn't walk around like this but hopefully, she wouldn't run into anyone important.


Alexander and Jeremy sat on the outside of Jus Grillin' he still couldn't remember what happened last night,

"You could relax? You had sex. I don't see the big deal" Jeremy shrugged from the other side of the table as they waited for their food,

"Yea but why can't I remember anything?" Alexander asked,

"You were drunk what more you wanna hear fam?"

"I wasn't that drunk. I –" Alexander got a glimpse of someone in the corner of his eye, she was in a really big T-shirt and some slippers, little underdressed but just as beautiful as ever, Jeremy noticed his eyes drift and he shook his head knowingly. She disappeared inside and Alexander was rising to his feet, Jeremy grabbed his wrist,

"Where you going?" he asked with a tight brow,

"To talk to her" he replied quickly,

"You too attached to her"

"Nah it's just for the plan remember. I don't like her" Alexander shrugged trying to play it off, taking his hand from his quickly,

"Just for the plan? She's the only thing you talk 'bout" Jeremy quipped while the glared at him,

"That's not true we were just talking about me having sex" Alexander shrugged again making his way inside.

"Idiot" Jeremy hissed as he watched him "Wait! Your neck!" he shouted to him but Alexander disappeared around the corner.


Anabella stood quietly in the line, taking in the aromatic smells which flowed from the kitchen. She thought about the taste of the grilled shrimp platter as she waited until it was her turn to order. Ana's nose got hold of another scent, it was masculine then she felt a tap on her shoulder,

"Excuse me" a voice sounded and she turned to find a tall dark guy standing in front of her "Are you Anabella Carter?" he asked and Anabella cocked an eyebrow at him,

"Yes, can I help you?" she asked unsure about him, he looked like he would ruin your life if you got too close, he was clean cut a bit of stubble on his face and a sharp haircut. He was muscular with tattoos stretching down both his arms and the smirk on his face was dripping with confidence.

"You could" he licked his lips as he eyed her "I'm Alexander's best friend he's a little sick, if not he would've come himself" he said looking back to the car park where she saw him in the car waving, she blushed lightly as she thought he forgot about her.

"He told me to give you this" he handed her a piece of paper with a number on it and she smiled, making eye contact with him from far away,

"Thanks" she replied taking the paper,

"You might wanna call or message him soon cause he's annoying me. All he talks about is Ana" Jeremy rolled his eyes and his suave attitude disappeared and she giggled before he left. Ana felt a bit warm inside, she really thought he forgot about her, but it seems she's on his mind as much as he's on hers.

Authors Note: 

Yes, I know it's been a week, but I posted almost everyday last week and I just was feeling drained. I couldn't get my thoughts together and I really didn't know what I was going to do with this chapter. After 7 days here it is. Being sick really helped me come up with that last bit lool.  Hope you guys enjoy.


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