Chapter 25

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* 2 Months Later *

Thursday, June 25th


"Come on, just one last push," the doctor who was delivering my baby said to me.

After I did my last push, my beautiful, baby girl was brought into this world. It made me so happy when I heard her first cry. I honestly started to shed tears.

It took me by surprise when Terrell volunteered to cut my baby's umbilical cord. He even wanted to sign the birth certificate, and I let him.

He's been by my side since we met. I couldn't wish for a better man than him. He has been nothing but great to me so I'm sure he'd be even greater to our daughter, even though he's not her biological father.

After the doctor cleaned my baby, they laid her on my chest so I could hold her for the first time.

She was so beautiful with a head full of hair. The one thing that stood out to me was her beautiful, bright green eyes. She had the same eyes as her biological father, Travis. All the rest of her features came from me, and I was thankful. I made one beautiful ass kid.

"What are you gonna name her?" Terrell asked.

"Remember, we had a deal that if I was having a girl, you were gonna name her?" I said to him.

"Shit, I almost forgot," he said.

"So what are you going to name her?" I asked.

"I was thinking about naming her Paris Carter," he said to me, "You can give her her middle name."

"Why Carter?" I asked him. My last name was James, I expected him to say my last name.

"Because if I'm going to be raising her, I want her to have my last name. Some day you're going to have it too, so don't trip ma."

"Have you two figured out what you're going to name your daughter?" The doctor asked.

"Paris Melahni Carter," I said.

"That's a pretty name," My doctor said.

I'm just happy mto have had a wonderful pregnancy, a wonderful man who stood by my side, and now I have a beautiful baby girl to look after.

The only thing I'm afraid of now...... Is Travis. He's back in town and I heard he was looking for me.


Only reason I was back in town was because I heard that some gang member killed my brother. I was devasted. Twan was my brother, my best friend. And now he's gone. I swear whenever I get my hands on the nigga that did this, it's over for him.

Maybe that's not the only reason I'm down here. I know London is out here somewhere, and I'm plotting on getting her back. Her and my child. Whenever I find her, ain't no escaping this time.


Cali is growing up so fast. And I been having to take care of her all by myself for a month now.

All by myself. About a month ago, Romeo and I got into a huge altercation for whatever reason and it got to the point where it became physical, and he put his hands on me.

So we broke up. He let me keep the house and he moved back in with his momma for now.

He still comes over here like every other day to spend time with Cali. He also makes sure that he comes to all my doctor's appointments. He was so excited when he found out what we were having.

I miss having Romeo around, especially with me being six months pregnant and having to look after Cali. I could really use his help. But he chose to walk out on us. Well I'm not gonna dwell on the past, I'm just gonna move on. If he comes back he comes back. If he doesn't, then so be it.


I really miss Breaunna being my girlfriend. I know that I was the one that walked out on her, but it felt like the right thing to do.

Me being in the drug game and having a kid with one on the way is scaring Breaunna all of sudden. Every time I leave the house, she cries and she whines about how she doesn't wanna see me get hurt.

I understand where she's coming from, but she knew what she was getting herself into when we got together. I can't just leave the gang especially when I'm on top. She promised to be my ride or die, but she just switched up on me. That's not ride or die material. She was supposed to have my back no matter what, but I guess some things just happen for a reason. Maybe we weren't meant to be together in the first place.



i know y'all probably hated this, cause i do.

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