Chapter 20

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"Baby, let's get out of here." My boyfriend, Carlos, said. "Just me and you."

"I can't just leave my baby Carlos." This man was insane. "Are you crazy??"

"Come on, Zae," he said kissing my neck while rubbing my thigh.

"But Carl-" I started, but he cut me off.

"Look, its either you leave her here, or I'm leaving you. I'm not about to take care of another man's child, I already have to take care of your ass. You can barely take care of yourself how you expect to take care of a baby too."

As much as I hated to admit it, he was right.

I have no job, no money, and nowhere to go if I don't leave town with Carlos.

He's the only person I have right now. Without him, I have nothing.

I hated that I have to depend on him, but I have no other choice.

People may think I'm stupid and a no good mother, but I have to do what I have to do to live. I love Carlos with all my heart and if he wants me to leave my baby here, I'll do it.

Cali deserved a much better person in her life that could take care of her and I'm obviously not that person.

All I want is for a nice person to find her and take her some place safe.

"Look, I'm about to go, are you coming or not?" Carlos asked.

I nodded my head. "Just give me a minute with her."

I kissed my baby girl, Cali, on her soft little cheek. She was sound asleep so I covered her up with a blanket.

I looked back one last time before getting into Carlos' car.

As Carlos pulled off, I looked back again until my Cali was out of sight.

A tear slid down my cheek.

Was this the right decision? To give up my child for a man?

Thoughts on Alazae???


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