Chapter 19

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Tuesday, March 9th

After the incident that happened with Breaunna, things had changed drastically.

Romeo and her made the choice to drop out of school together. He still hung out at the trap with his friends sometimes, but when he wasn't doing that, he was at the house taking care of Breaunna.

The day she came home after Romeo rescued her, she went completely mute.

She didn't talk and she didn't want to be around anyone. It was a bit frustrating for Romeo but he dealt with it. He understood that she was going through something and he wanted her to get through it the best way she knew how.


Breaunna woke up feeling a little nauseous. She quickly jumped up out of the bed and ran straight for the toilet.

Romeo wasn't asleep so he followed her into the bathroom and noticed she had her face buried in the toilet, emptying the contents of her stomach. He walked over and grabbed her hair, holding it back, so she wouldn't get any throw up on it.

When she was done, she flushed the toilet and went ahead and brushed her teeth.

"Are you okay," Romeo asked, hoping she would finally say something to him.

Instead of talking, she just nodded.

"Baby, I know what you went through was traumatizing, but you have to say something to me." Romeo said, finally speaking up about her silence. "It's like you're not even here, yet I'm constantly breaking my back to do any and everything for you. Please say something."

"I'm pregnant," she said and walked out of the bathroom.

Romeo ran right after her, and grabbed her arm turning her around.

"You pregnant??" Romeo asked trying to make sure he heard her correctly.

But she just stared at him blankly.

"Say something Breaunna, damn." he shook her a little bit. "You not about to keep being quiet, it's been two months. Open your damn mouth."

Romeo knew he shouldn't have done that, but he was tired of her silence. All he wanted her to do was talk.

"Stop yelling at me!" She yelled at him. "You don't know what it's like for me. I have nightmares about that shit every night. I can't get it out of my head." Tears started to fall down her cheeks.

Romeo sat on the bed, pulled her down on his lap, and wiped her tears while she continued talking.

"I'm so scared to have this baby because I don't know if it's yours or his."

"Bre, it doesn't matter who's baby it is. It wasn't your fault. You were taken advantage of. I'm still gonna be here."

"I love you." She said.

"I love you too baby girl."


After talking, they decided to go back to sleep again since it was still early in the morning.

A little while later, Breaunna woke up but Romeo was still sleeping. She decided to cook breakfast for the both of them. She opened the fridge and got the eggs, butter and pancake mix and sat it on the counter.

As she was flipping the pancakes, she felt arms wrap around her slim waist.

"Babe, don't do that anymore, you scared me."

Romeo and Breaunna talked amongst themselves as they ate breakfast.

"Bre, what do you want to do today?" Romeo asked.

"I was thinking we go to the park or something. The weather is nice out, and I absolutely need to get out of this house."

"Go get dressed then. I'ma be waiting down here."

Breaunna went upstairs and changed into black tights and a tank top. She decided to put on a windbreaker since it was a bit chilly outside.

After she put on her shoes, she slicked her hair back into a low ponytail and went downstairs to leave.

"Babe, I'm ready," Bre said getting Romeo's attention.

After they locked up the house, Romeo drove them to the park which was about ten minutes away.

They walked and talked on the trail for a good thirty minutes.

"Romeo let's race. I bet I can beat you," Breaunna said.

"See, I would race you, but you're pregnant, and I don't want you running."

"Right," she mumbled. "My feet hurt anyway lets go have a seat."

As they sat down, Breaunna noticed Romeo's ex, Alazae, sitting at a nearby picnic table along with a man and a baby's car seat.

"Babe, look," Breaunna said pointing them out to Romeo.

"We can leave if you're not comfortable being in the same place as her."

"No, I'm okay as long as she doesn't tell us anything."

Breaunna looked back over to where Alazae was and noticed her and the man were getting inside the car.... but the baby's car seat was left on the table.

What the hell, She thought as she watched the car speed off, burning rubber and all.

"What are you looking at, Breaunna," Romeo asked.

"Babe, I think your ex just left her baby on the table over there."

"I don't think she would do something like that. Maybe the car seat is empty."

Breaunna moved Romeo's hand from around her and walked over to the car seat. She removed the blanket from over it, and sure enough, there was a baby.
A beautiful baby girl.

Although this had nothing to do with Breaunna, she was still concerned for the baby's sake. She thought it was absolutely sick that a mother would leave their child like that.

Romeo walked over there also, wrapping his arms around Breaunna.

"I can't believe she did this," he said.

"It's really messed up,"

"Maybe she'll realize what she did and come back. Let's just sit with the baby and wait a lil while," Romeo suggested.

They waited.... and waited... and waited.

It was going on seven o'clock and Alazae was still a no show.

"What are we going to do," Romeo asked.

"Can we take her home, babe, please? We can't just leave her out here." Breaunna asked looking up at Romeo.

"Sure, I'll grab her car seat."


Next chapter will be a very short chapter in Alazae's point of view.


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