Chapter 24

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Sunday, April 19th

Its been almost a month since we had to give up Cali. I had gotten so attached to her within the short amount of time that we had her, I was really upset that we had to give her back up.

I know that the social worker said it'll take months for us to officially adopt her, but I just can't wait. I pray to God that no other family is trying to adopt her.

The only good news is that I'm three months pregnant, my baby is healthy, and Romeo and I's relationship is stronger than ever.


Romeo and I were on our way out the door to go to his mom's house. She's been asking me to come over for the longest but I've been either too busy or too tired. 

As I turned around after I locked up the house, I noticed my mother, Lyiah, clinging on to our white picket fence. What the fuck is she doing here?

"Breaunna!!" She yelled when she seen me look at her. She was trying to get through our fence but it was locked. Thank you lord.

Over the months, she had been trying to get in contact with me to get me to give her money and stuff like that. After a while, it got tiring so I stopped answering her calls and got my number changed.

This is the first time I seen her since she put me out of her house. And let me tell you, she looked rough as fuck.

Her melanin used to pop severely, now her black done cracked into a million pieces.

"What the hell are you doing on my property?" I asked in a nonchalant manner.

"You know what I'm here for," she said, as she started to scratch her neck while look back over her shoulder, like someone was after her or something. "I just need a little money, I promise to pay you back when I get back on my feet."

It's crazy how someone could get addicted to drugs so fast. She lost her house and job because of them fucking drugs. She was making good ass money so how could she be so stupid?

"You know damn well you can't get anything from me, you treated me horribly, now it's my turn," I said ending the conversation by walking off.

I honestly didn't care about her anymore. She kicked me out and now she needed me? I think the fuck not. Karma is definitely a bad bitch.

I climbed into the passenger seat of Romeo's car and he pulled off.

"Are you okay, baby?" Romeo asked. I nodded my head.


Breaunna and my mother were in the kitchen talking girl shit while I was chilling in the living room. I didn't want to be involved in the shit they were talking about.

I was too busy playing 2K to care about shit. All of sudden my phone started vibrating on the sofa next to me.

I quickly grabbed it, not bothering to look at the called i.d, and answered it.

I put the phone to my ear and held it in place with my shoulder. "Hello?" I said.

"Hi, this is Ms. Johnson from the adoption center, I'm calling to speak with a Romeo or Breaunna Rodrigue."

My heart instantly dropped to the pit of my stomach. I quickly paused my 2K game so I could give this lady my full attention.

"This is he," I answered back.

"I'm calling to inform you that Cali Jones is ready for adoption. It looks like you're the only family who showed interest in baby Cali. You and Breaunna's background checks were cleared, and your home is okay enough to raise a child. We were quite skeptical to award you with custody because you guys are so young, but congratulations and good luck on your new bundle of joy."

Ms. Johnson and I exchanged a couple more words before we hung up. I quickly went into the kitchen to tell Breaunna and my momma the good news.

"Baby, guess what?" I said to Bre who was stuffing her face with a burger and fries.

"You know I hate guessing," she said wiping the corners of her mouth with a napkin, "just tell me."

"I just got off the phone with the people at the adoption center."

She immediately put her burger down and got up and wobbled over to me.

"You lying," I heard my momma say.

"Well, are you?" Breaunna asked. I couldn't do nothing but laugh because their reactions were hilarious. "It's not funny Romeo," she whined, "If you're lying, I swear I'm going to punch you in the throat."

"I'm serious," I said. "We were granted custody."

"Oh my God!!" Breaunna yelled. I could tell she was happy, and that's all I wanted.

I haven't updated in so long.... so this was a just because update.

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