The Girl Next Door/15

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Girl Next Door ✌15


RL Mafias pov

My gang has been planning things thanks to the death of our leader Ray. We know that Roc killed Ray and by killing him that will hurt them the most. We want revenge on them and won't stop until we get it.


Yns pov

"W-what should we name the baby?" I asked fearfully because about an hour ago Chresanto had beaten me for not cleaning up properly. I am officially 7 and a half months along. We still haven't came up with a name yet because every time we are together and Roc is actually home he is hitting on me and I have encountered several beatings and bruises. "Ashanti?" I asked. "How about Natalia?" He smiled. "N for nothing less that perfect."

"I love that name Chres! When did you think of that?"

"A little while ago. I have always loved that name for some reason and I want my first born to be that." He replied. These are the time I love the best. The times when we can talk and laugh like when we first got together. Every since he started selling dope he has gotten controlling and he hits on me. I just wish this would all end. But through all of this I still love him. I know I sound crazy but how can you just stop loving someone? Someone you said you loved. Our special moment was interrupted by Chresanto grabbing his ringing phone. "Aight I'll be there... Okay." He stood up.

"Chres baby do you really have to go?" I whined.

"I'm sorry babe." He kissed my cheek and left out. I was alone with no one to hold me. Just like usual.

I sat downstairs playing on my phone while eating pickles dipped in mayonnaise, don't judge me I'm pregnant and have weird cravings like this amd Oreos with peanut butter. I was to focused on my phone that I didn't even hear a car pull up. The door opened up and I froze. A group of about 5 men were there, armed and all. "Where's Roc?" They asked.

"I- I don't know." I stuttered. I really didn't know where Roc was another reason why I wished he wasn't so secretive. Some kind of gang was here and I was scared to death. "Where is Roc?" He asked again, the boys circling me. "I don't know, I really don't!" I yelled. "Please don't hurt me, I have a baby on the way-"

"You think I care about your baby? You think I came all the out here to hear about your bqby? I know Chresanto killed Ray and he owes us money! Go trash everything!" He yelled looking to the side at the other guys. Before I could register what he was doing to me I blacked out and in a hospital bed.


"All I want to know is if Yn and my baby are okay." I heard Chresanto ask worriedly. "Yes, she is going to be okay. And about the baby she will be alright also. Well there is a slight possibility that it may have some birth defects but the changes are slim. Since Yn hasn't been smoking or drinking I assume she will be alright."

The doctors have given me many vitamins and pain killers. I thanked The Lord that my baby is okay and so am I. The only thing left on my mind is Chresanto. When I get home tomorrow all hell breaks loose.

Authors Note:

Ooo Chresantos in trouble ...

And do you think something will happen to Yn because of the almost daily beatings she encounters and the trauma she went through from Rays gang hurting her?

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