The Girl Next Door/2

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Rocs P.O.V

I asked Ray if he dates Yn and he said it like it was no big deal. I really like Yn, she's just so beautiful, the way she smiles, the way she blushes when I talk to her. I know we just met and all, but I really like her. She's not one of those girls who don't eat anything and acts all girly. She's Yn, unique, beautiful Yn. I walked over to over to her house and knocked on the door.

"Oh, hey Roc. What's up ?" She asked and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Uhm, I was just asking if you wanted to go grab something to eat with me? You know..."

"Sure, well I'm not ready or anything... " She trailed off.

"I could just stay here while you get ready? It's not going to take long is it?" I asked.

"Uhm, no. I guess you can just stay downstairs," She blushed. "Here's the remote, and do you want some soda, crackers, anything..." She trailed off.

"Ill just take a glass of water, thanks," I answered.

"Okay, well, I'll just be upstairs... You know, getting ready... mhmm," She trailed off awkwardly.

I was sitting down on the couch watching ant farm, and yes, I still watch Disney Channel, when I heard something coming from upstairs. I was just going up there to find out what the noise was when I seen steam coming from Yns bedroom. Yn was in the shower singing! I opened her bathroom door and pulled the shower back.

"Yn?" She stopped singing.


"Shush," I pushed my index finger onto her lips.

"This isn't right, Roc... I'm dating Ray," She said truthfully.

"I know you love me, don't be afraid to say it," I said to her as I tugged my shirt off of my head and stepping closer to her body.

"I - I , I love you, Roc."

A dream. It was just a dream. What am I thinking? Of course Yn doesn't love me, love isn't a thing yet, and she's dating Ray. I decided to go for a walk to clear my head, and my inappropriate thoughts. When I walked outside, my heart stopped. Ray had Yn pinned up against a tree, his hands wrapped firmly around her waist, his lips pressed tightly to hers. I caught Yns eye accidentally and she tried prying Ray off of her.

"What happened Bae?" Ray asked quickly, pulling away from her.

"Uhm, nothing... Come here baby ," She replied quickly. She grabbed the ends of his jacket and pulled him close to her. I started to walk away quickly when I seen what she did next. She kissed him and I swear I could see a smirk appear on her lips. Who am I kidding? Yn wouldn't purposely do something to make me mad. Would she ,? I walked down the street thinking to myself. It has to be just a fling. That's what happens to every girl Ray "dates". He gets what he wants and then he's done. Yn is to nice of a girl for Ray. She's smart, she's pretty, she's nice, she's the perfect girl. I just wish that I could show her how much she means to me. But I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon.

Authors Note :

Yn is played by Christiana Milian !

So when you picture Yn, that's what she looks like and look her up on Google or something lol

Follow me on Instagram : @Rocs_Wifey_Thoo

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