The Girl Next Door/5

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"Come on sister ! Loosen up !" Danielle screamed over the music.

"No thanks , I'm alright right were I am."

"Don't be such a boring 'ol party pooper ! Your so uptight all the time !"

"Some sister you have," Jacob laughed.

"Yeah ... "

"I don't think your uptight... I think your awesome. " He smiled.

If I didn't know better I would think Jacob was hitting on me ? I shook the thought off &&. took a long drink of my glass.

"Thanks... " I asked the bartender for another glass. Before I knew it , I was tipsy. The liquor was getting to me , &&. the burn that shot down my throat after each sip motivated me.

"Wow , I didn't expect you to be the drinking type. Anyways , how would you like to -"

"Stop being such goody two shoes man ! Lighten up ! Take a shot or something !" I yelled.

"Okay .. Sure ," He said nervously. I watched as he gulped down a couple more drinks , which soon after escalated to a few more , to a few more after that. It's been 6 days since Danielle &&. I first got down here , &&. me &&. Chres's little problem ... well my little problem , but who cares ? I was feeling good !

The next thing I know I was being pulled onto the dance floor. I relaxed my body &&. let the music take over. I danced &&. grinded like never before. Jacob was moving perfectly to the beat &&. grabbed my waist pushing me firmly against him. Almost as soon as he did it , he realized what he had just done &&. took a step back.

"Uhm ... Sorry YN , I didn't know-"

"Shut up Jacob , ! Stop being so uptight &&. just dance ! "

Ray was gone , my best friend was busy swapping spit with my sister , &&. I was desperate &&. lonely. I needed someone right now &&. Jacob was playing that role perfectly.

"Kiss me." I commanded. Jacob gave me a look of uncertainty but then brought his head closer to mine. Before I could feel his lips , I felt something wet spill down my back.

"Sorry sissy ! That was a complete accident ! " My sister slurred. Roc was right behind her , "Babe , look what you did. Sorry YN." He laughed. We were all drunk. Everybody.

Except Princeton. He knew exactly what was going on.

"YN , I think it's about time to go home. "

"Fine." I was angry but didn't want to go home. I was angry at Roc , I was angry at Danielle , &&. most of all I was angry at Princeton. He turned me down in front of everyone. How come Danielle &&. Chres could dance &&. kiss all night but I couldn't ?

I sighed &&. grabbed Chres to steady myself. He glared at me &&. grabbed Danielle's hand. For some reason that pissed me off. Pissed me off more than anything. Danielle giggled &&. kissed Chres cheek.

"Baee!" She slurred.

"Hurry up &&. drive Jacob !" I yelled. Danielle &&. Chresanto just laughed &&. got in the car.


"Goodnight , YN." Jacob waved as he started to walk away from my door. I was drunk , but I could still kind of process things , &&. all I wanted was for some affection.

"Jacob no ! Hold me ..." I whispered.

"YN , I have to go. " He grabbed my waist &&. hugged me firmly before letting go &&. kissing my for head lightly. "YN , this isn't going to work. I know your ... YN your a beautiful girl , but your with Ray &&. I would never do something like this to him. I know how much you like him , so I'm not going to ruin you guys relationship over a moment of desperation &&. weakness just because your drunk. Goodnight YN."

I sunk down on my doorstep as I watched Princeton's afro disappear into the darkness &&. his car drive away.


Recap :

YN ended up drunk &&. tried to make a move on Princeton .

Princeton was a good boy &&. denied her (YAY)

What's next :

YN has her first hangover , !

Danielle &&. Chresanto became an "item"

Song : Feel Like A Woman

Artist : Mary J Blidge

Okay , I decided I'm going to have a song for every chapter that I write , &&. It hopefully relates to each chapter okay , ? I seen the idea of a 'recap ' 'what's next ' &&. A song from other wattpad books so I like the idea :) Can I get

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I know you guys can do it so please do it ! :) :) :)

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