The Girl Next Door/6

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Authors Note : Sorry I haven't updated in forever ! I've been busy lately not to mention I had MASSIVE writers block ! Sorry if this chapter isn't as good as the others , but please just bear with me :) ! I'm still just getting over my writers block so please continue to read !


I woke up to a massive headache along with bright yellow rays of sun. I reached over to grab my pillow &&. cover my face from the burning sensation slowly getting hotter &&. hotter , but all I felt was concrete. Realization flooded over me as I came to my senses &&. remember what all happened last night.

"Oh , Gosh no ," I groaned to myself while slowly grabbing the door handle. My mom is gonna flip once she finds out about this !

"Great , just great." The door was locked. I walked over to Rocs house &&. my heart fluttered the moment he opened the door.

"Roc ?" I asked nervously.

"Yeah ?" He said while rubbing his eyes.

"I don't have my key ... So I'm sorta locked out. I woke up this morning with a HUGE headache , I have no clue where Danielle -"

"Babe who's at the door ?"

Danielle was dressed in a pair of black slippers &&. a large white tank top I could tell was Rocs. "Oh , hey YN. Where were you last night ? Me &&. Roc were worried sick !"

"I really don't want to be lectured or criticised right now , if you'd know." I snapped.

"Okay damn. I'm just saying you can't just disappear on us at any time of the hour. You could've been dead for all we know. Where'd you go anyway ? Could you at least tell me that ?" She pressed.

"I went home with Princeton okay ? I just didn't want to bother you guys because I didn't have Ray with me &&. so I was lonely. But you guys deserved the break , &&. who am I to step in &&. ruin it ?" I lied. Of course what really happened was that I wanted some one to love me. I was desperate but Princeton didn't do anything to help me out. "And anyways , you guys were there with me when Princeton took us home. "

"We were ? I don't remember that..." She trailed off.

"Princeton drove all of us home last night , but you guys were to far gone to realize." I said angrily.

"Okay , ... I apologize." She said sarcastically.

"Well do you have a key ? I'm locked out."

"You can go look in that pile of clothes right there , but if it's not there I don't know what to tell ya."

I searched for about 10 minutes before I found the key in a pair of socks that were hidden in her purse for whatever reason.

"Aight , I'm gone."

"Bye YN. " Roc said.

Instead of blushing like I usually would I just walked away &&. continued onto my house.


Dear YN , I seen you this morning while I was on my way to work. I had no idea where or what you did last night , but your ass is mine. I found you asleep , drunk on my friggin door step ! And no , you can not explain. How can you explain you asleep on my doorstep , breath of liquor ? I can't believe you , my best , one and only real daughter would do something like this. Is it because of that boy your seeing ? What was his name ? Tay or something ? Well I want you to stay away from him , and I mean it. I've slowly started to notice your distance and how you want privacy all the time. We used to be close , YN. I was your mother and you were my daughter , remember how we used to be ? Staying up on school nights to watch movies and eat popcorn ? Talking all night long ? Why did you have to change on me ? And no , this is not the first thing that triggered my thoughts to believe you were changing. The way you dress now , your distance , your ... You're just changing. I understand you are a teenager and you go through different fazes , but I don't know , YN... Your reading teacher called me the other day , ... Said your grade has slowly been decreasing. Not drastically , but by a pretty steady amount. YN , you know I love you , but please don't make me have to start watching you ... I will take off hours of work , and you know how much I love it , but I don't want you ending up like any of those other girls out there. But you have to get it together , and show me you haven't changed like I think you have.

- Love , Mommy

That's the note I found on the refrigerator. I searched what to do after my hangover. Apparently this is my first and I should be drinking a lot of water. I didn't know what else to do so I just changed into some sweats &&. did my hair in a messy bun. I was just done watching "A Haunted House" when I heard a knock at my door. As I was getting up , I started to hear a beat &&. my stomach flipped at the thought of it being Roc. I was quickly disappointed by who I seen.


"Babe ...  I missed you." He held me by my waist and kissed my lips. I pushed him off and motioned for him to come in. "What's the matter with you ?"

"Nothing." I lied.

"Come on..."

"I said nothing alright !" I yelled.

"Okay ... Dang." Ray pushed me onto the couch and started kissing me. I tried pushing him off but he wouldn't stop.

"Ray ... Seriously..."

"What ?" He stopped. "I haven't seen my girl in what , 2 weeks ? I can't have some alone time with her ?"

"No , that's not it... I'm just not feeling to good... I had my first hangover last night." I smiled.

"Really ? Without me ? Your gonna have to do that again sometime !" He laughed.

"Come on. Let's go meet my sister."

Author's Note

Sorry if this chapter is kind of boring , but like I said , writers block... It sucks.

I'm about over it now , so be looking for an update tomorrow , or Thursday . (As long as I get)

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