Pretty Brown Eyes

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😍 Klarity in MM😍

"Pretty Brown Eyes,
I'm falling in love.."
~11:11 "Pretty Brown Eyes"

"Welcome to Tick Tock Love everyone. Please take a seat anywhere you'd like."

The hostess smiled, greeting the men that entered the double doors. Females entered from a door opposite of them. The employee smiled bright as she motioned towards the tables for two. Soft music filled the air, going well with the dimmed lighting to 'set the mood'.

This was the last place Klarity thought he'd find himself. He never really had a problem attracting woman. Being handsome and having a great personality, women came around easily. It was choosing the right one that got him.

He took a seat at a table towards the back. A window wasn't too far from where her sat. The night sky distracted him from his thoughts to leave the speed dating event before it began. What made him think that his perfect woman would be here.

"You mind if I sit here? All the other seats are taken.." A soft voice caught his attention. He looked away from the starry sky to the owner of the angelic voice. A smile dared to spread his lips as he took her in. She somehow gave him hope for the night.

"I don't mind. It's fine."

He gestured to the chair. Thick thighs were hugged by her dress. The jacket she held in front of her hid her stomach. She was beautiful. She gave a small smile, taking a seat. Her eyes never met his, giving off a soft aura. Smiling, he took the chance to introduce himself.

"I'm Klarity. It's nice to meet you." He beamed, hoping he didn't come off as too cheery to greet her. She smiled, talking his hand to shake. Brushing hair behind her ear, she glanced at him before looking away.

"I'm Jershae. Nice to meet you too."

Her brown skin was as soft as her voice. She wore a curly puff on her head, edges swirled with perfection. Lashes and lip gloss for her face. An all around natural look he seemed to be entranced by.

"So, uh, is this your first time here, as well?" He spoke lowly, ignoring the hostess as she spoke at the front of the room. His attention seemed to be invested in getting to know Jershae. It crossed his mind how she could be single, if it wasn't her choice.

"Yeah. A friend told me about it." She nodded, toying with her nails to calm her nerves. Her full lips pressed together to stop anything silly from coming out. The man before was making her knees weak. It was most likely lust, but she welcomed the thoughts that came with it.

He nodded, admiring her. His eyes did a second glance at her body. Small breast and wide hips graced her. The thoughts of what she'd feel like cuddled next to him took over his thoughts. Oddly, sex wasn't on his mind. He wanted to get to know this soft spoken beauty.

Half an hour passed as they talked amongst themselves, ignoring the rules of speed dating. Every time the buzzer rang, they stayed seated. The conversation was too interesting. The soft tension eased between them and Jershae slowly opened up.

"What?" She raised an eyebrow, curious of his gaze. The question held innocence. Her leg bounced beneath the table. It was a nervous habit. Klarity had been glancing her over since she caught his attention. It almost gave her a boost of.. confidence?

Klarity noticed her face twisted in thought, chuckling at her nerves. He shook his head, licking his lips. The action caught Jershae by surprise, putting her in a short daze. She cleared her throat, waiting for a response.

"Sorry if I'm being too forward. I know I can, uh, come off as bold. I don't wanna run you off... You just really have my interest." He confessed, looking from her gaze this time. It must've been a cold day in hell. A woman finally had him nervous. He rubbed the back of his neck, mentally trying to get it together.


The surprise in her voice caused Klarity to chuckle. Jershae doubted the night would be in her favor a little over an hour ago and now someone was interested in her. She felt something there, but he actually felt it too. Relaxing, she couldn't help but smile a bit at his sudden shyness.

"Of course. You seem genuine. Soft spoken which I'm sure fades as you get comfortable. As soon as I looked into those pretty brown eyes, you had me.."

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