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                😍 Tristan 😍

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    😍 Tristan 😍

"Just go see her.."

The tipsy male sat back against his leather couch. A hand rubbed over his face. His suit jacket was unbuttoned along with half of his white polo shirt. It had been a long day, everyday for the past week and a half.

A half empty bottle of Hennessy sat on the table along with a small glass. His phone sat beside it as he stared at it. Her message thread was on the screen. He couldn't bring himself to text her. She might have me blocked anyway.

Tristan had been having an ongoing mental battle with himself. Since the encounter a few days ago, she'd stayed on his mind. It was as though she was unforgettable.

Zoning out during meetings, daydreams as he sat in the office, and flashbacks during his dreams at night. He yearned her touch. With a sigh, he stood from his seated position. Grabbing his car keys and heading for his front door, he was ready to take a risk.


Lyon rested against her soft sheets. Her freshly cleansed skin felt cool against the covers. The bedroom was at its usual temperature, 60 degrees. She secured her head wrap before snuggling into the sheets.


She sat up after ten minutes passed. Sleep seemed to be avoiding her lately. Maybe it was because she missed him. His touch was wanted, yet she refused to call him. Sighing, she stood from the bed and slipped on her robe.

Her slippers carried her to the kitchen. Switching on the light, she smiled lightly at the close to empty wine bottle. Washing a glass, she poured her fifth glass for the day. It helped ease her mind. Why couldn't I put aside my pride?


Tristan turned off his car, pulling the keys from the ignition. He looked up to the familiar house. The kitchen lights were on, giving him a glimpse of hope.

"Maybe she can't sleep either?"

He exited the luxury car and closed the door, locking it with his key. As he ascended the porch steps, he took a deep breath. The sky blue door stared back at him. Checking the time, he seen it was two in the morning. Two dings from the doorbell set his nerves on edge.

"Who is it?"

He heard the small voice he'd come to miss. A smile graced his handsome features. She didn't know what she did to him.

"It's Tristan.."

For a minute, he'd thought she walked away. He wouldn't blame her. The door slowly opened and she limply held the baseball bat she'd named "Buster". Her face was emotionless.

"What are you doing here?"


Lyon couldn't help the shake in her voice. The man she'd yearned to see was at her doorstep. She figured he'd never come back to her. He had her upset with herself for days. She had thought they had a spark, but he'd disappeared.

"I've missed you. You've been on my mind since I left here the other night."

"While going a week and a half being M.I.A? It doesn't fucking seem like it."

She didn't care to hide the venom in her voice. Turning on her heels, she left him at the door. He followed, locking the door behind him. The bat leaned against the wall by the coat rack.

"I was dumb as hell for that. I figured that you didn't want to hear from me. I'm sorry, Lyon."

"Of course you are. You're sorry as hell. And to think, I thought that I did something wrong.."

Her dark eyes set on him. She had beat herself up for being weak, making a promise to not fall so fast again. He had hurt her which few men could do. Shaking her head, she downed the rest of the wine in her glass.

"You didn't do anything wrong, Lyon. My dumb ass didn't show you that I cared. I knew better.."

He stared at the tiled floor beneath him. Glass suddenly shattered on the wall against him. Jumping back, he looked up to a fuming Lyon. She grabbed the wife bottle and sent it flying towards him. Again, he was missed. Mostly because Lyon wouldn't forgive herself is she actually hit him with the deadly glass.

"You did know better. You just like being an ass, it seems. Not giving a damn if I felt used or not... I can't believe that I still have these fucking feelings for you.."

She sighed, staring at him. He pressed his lips together and those dimples she loved appeared. His suit had him looking like a whole meal. A part of her wanted to beat his ass, but the better part of her emotions wanted to jump on him. And that she did.

Tristan caught her thighs as they wrapped around him. He felt her soft lips connect to his. That familiar spark coursed through their bodies. It was something about her that he couldn't get enough of.

"You owe me. Big time.."

He chuckled at her. Her fingers played with his low cut waves. She held onto him as he made his way to her bedroom. His lips left tingles all over her neck and chest.

"Lemme me make it up then.."

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