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                              😈 Scar 😈

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                    😈 Scar 😈

"Dammit, Sam."

Rachel hissed as she pulled her thin cardigan tighter around her body. As the evening turned to night, the temperature dropped along with it. The college sophomore groaned as she walked towards the apartments ten minutes away.

"This is why I always drive. Cause you can't depend on nobody."

The one time there was a party and she was convinced to ride along with her roommate Sam. The bitch dipped to get some dick. 'Must be nice' she thought. That didn't mean she wanted to be left at the party though.

With an eye roll, she turned into the dimly lit pathway that she'd walked most of her freshman year. It was a shortcut through a park that lessened her trip to her off campus apartment. Her heels clicked against the concrete walkway surrounding the playground set.

"What the hell?" She looked behind her, slowing her speed. It must've been her imagination that created the sound of footsteps. The trees blew gently and she sighed. Continuing on her journey, she couldn't help but feel as though she wasn't alone.

"This is what I get for watching those stories about kidnappings. My paranoid ass.."

She sped up as she seen a few street lights out ahead of her. Her breath quickened when the footsteps appeared again. This time she could hear it louder.

"Where you running off too, scaredy cat?"

Her heart dropped but she managed to let out an annoyed groan at the familiar nickname. Only one person called her that. She turned to the "stalker" and rolled her eyes. He played entirely too much.

"Damn, Scar. What the fuck is wrong with you? I could've hurt yo ass." Crossing her arms, she fumed at the chuckling athlete. He noticed that she just held her phone and house key. Smiling, he stepped to her and wiggled his eyebrows.

"But you didn't, did you?" He looked down at her and smirked. Rachel felt her heart skip a beat. Scar was a tall piece of dark chocolate and she couldn't deny she wanted a bite.

"Whatever, Scar. I'm not about to play with you." She quickly turned and walked quicker than before. Scar watched her for a moment, admiring her ass bounce with her steps. That woman had beauty, body, and brains.

"Wait. At least let me walk you home. I live upstairs anyway."

"Don't remind me." She grumbled to herself as he jogged to catch up with her. Scar had been her neighbor since their second semester of freshman year. Every day that she has classes, he seems to always meet her as she made it to the stairs in the morning. It was clear that he liked her, but she wasn't tryna hear that.

"It ain't safe this late at night. Especially for a woman as beautiful as you."

She blushed, biting her lip to hide her smile. Scar noticed, but kept quiet. Their building came into view and she seen no reason to argue. "Whatever floats your boat.."

He grinned, stuffing his hands in his pockets. Their pace slowed as they came closer to the apartment complex. She sighed happily. Her feet were killing her and she knew it was written on her face. "Want me to carry you?"

Raising an eyebrow, she glanced at Scar. He watched her with her light limp. But Rachel could feel her thoughts surfacing. She was a little self conscious. Her head shook as they stopped at the stairs.

"I'm fine. Thanks tho."

"I know your feet are killing you... I won't drop you if that's what your thinking."

You might. She frowned. Her feet were really aching and she was dreading the three flights of stairs. Before she could make up an excuse, she was lifted from the ground. Squealing, she clung to Scar. Her feet thanked him as he started up the stairs.


She mumbled softly, hoping she wasn't too heavy. He smirked as he glanced at her.

"Anything for you, baby girl."

She was sure that she was blushing. As much as she wanted to bury her face in his broad chest, she decided against it. He was made it to her door and stopped.


He held her effortlessly. She shook her head. It was enough that he was carrying her.

"You can let me-"

"Nah. I gotchu. Keys.."

Rachel handed them to him and watched him unlocked the door. They entered the empty apartment and he closed the door with his foot. He placed her on the couch and plopped down beside her.

"Uhh, won't your roommate be looking for you?"

She scooted from him. Her nervousness was at an all time high. This man was tempting her without trying. He shrugged and licked his lips, slipping off her heels. Thank God I got my toes done.

"He'll be aight. I told him I was coming home."

Her body melted as he went to work. Those strong hands massaged her aching feet as he watched her. She bit her lip to keep in her moan. He chuckled as she shifted in her place.

"Ugh. That feels sooo good."

Scar bit his lip as his erection hid under the couch pillow on his lap. Rachel sighed happily as she closed her eyes. Something about his hands had her feeling some type of way.

"You've never gotten a foot rub?."

"Not one that's felt this amazing."

She blushed in embarrassment at her moan. Her panties were wet for sure. She could feel her body tingle under his gaze. He bit his lip as he moved her feet. His body made its way between her legs and he noticed her leggings were soaked at the seat.

"I can make you feel good all over, if you let me.."

She moaned as he rubbed her through the damp material. Her hips shifted and she melted all over again. He pressed himself against her and kissed her neck. She knew she was falling into his trap. And honestly, she was terrified.

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