🌄Chapter 1 (Meeting up)🌄

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Mei's POV

It was already monday , and my third year of highschool started with me biting into a two piece of sandwich on the way to the school ......i hope i could get some new friends *a sign of a loner.....~please god~ while i was praying i heard the bell ring....... Oh!  im already late at my first day!!!!...
Hi everyone im your Moi sensei this is gonna be your sschool year's classroom nice meeting you everyone, I hope we'll have a good time together... Please all be seated..... *everyone sit......

while sensei was discussing someone open's the door ...and all girls start screaming as their lungs start to pop out of their throat, when a boy enters the classroom, some girl were saying this....
Girl 1~sit here beside me kyaaaaa
Girl2~marry me !!!with heart on it eyes
Ive ask the person beside me ~who's that boy ?~ o! It kyle hes really popular here at school that so....the whole fandom was enterrupted  When sensei started to speak...ehem !?ehem ?! Please be quite.....where are your  manners?!....the whole class was quite.....Mr. Yamatoda Be seated beside mei....* pointing beside me.... Is it ok to you miss mei? A-ah yes....
~time skip lunch time ~

Mei's POV

When I heard the bell ring the students started to move on their feet....so i also stand from my chair to go to canteen, but then before I could even move I glance at my side just to find my self being curious why my seatmate is not moving.......The boy earlier was gloomy...... he turn his eyes to me so i turn around *blush*...this is kind of awkward......I was about to go to canteen when someone hold my wrist ouch! Hey why are you staring at me?.... Amm ... A... What kind of anwer is that! before I could even say a word some of our classmates is staring at us ... I-i was not staring at you! I was just staring at the door besides you ! ~suddenly my stomach growl ~ he laugh a little then Let go of my hand ...i really wanna go eat *blush*


After i got my food i make my way  straight up to the rooftop because its crowded in the canteen... Its windy today ~i sat in the corner~suddenly i heard a voice coming from the door ... Hey ! Kyle im so sad!!!! Were not classmate *sob......can you please stop talking!!! Your so rud- ~open the door and see me ~ oh! Shoot they saw me!! Hey there girl what your nam- kyle cut it off and say what are you doing here?!?~mad voice~ i-i was just sitting here! Can you please go back now this is our place !!! What?! Why not ?!..... lime i said this is where our hangout is!!.... why can you say that this is your place!..... did you even buy this school a-and I get it that  your cool around here but that is just because your popular tsk!!! I hid my face then left ....

That freaking jerk!! why can he say those things....skkk, thats hes property ?!?!.....I start going down stairs when suddenly i heard someone crying in the corner of the stairs oh! It yuki hey yuki why are you cri- *yuki hug me.... mei - san someone rejected me!*sob...... wait what d-do you mean?!! Its our first day!!...... No! Its not like that we already know each other in middle school but he rejected me... dont worry its ok ill be here maybe you two  are not made for each other ... Maybe you deserve someone else than him.......  thank you mei san !!...*pats head....idiot! Find someone who'll love you forever!!!....

~the bell ring ~


Moi sensei presented to us that we'll be arranging seats i got number 13 so i searched it with my two eyes and saw it beside the windows.......wait....I've seated in here before......*sigh...... As i starts sitting  i glance at my back and saw yuki waving..... then a  two girls in my front then in my right is.....wait.....kyle?!! Again?!!!

Purrrrrpect !!! Moi sensei commented...... anybody want's to complain? .... *no one raise there hand...... then were ok !!!! Suddenly kyle raise his hand and say..... "i dont want to sit beside her" he point his finger at me ..... Your ok there mr.Yamatoda its not like ms. mei would eat you up or anything...the boys starts laughing while the girls were very angry..... "grrrrr" kyle said while dark aura surrounds him
......he then started to stand up  then left ....

Kyle's POV

That girl!!! She's a pain in the a*s !!!!.....I started going up stairs as I cool my head from the cold air up in the rooftop...


Mei pov
That kyle guy didnt get in rhe whole afternoon class just now.....maybe It was really my fault that i made him looked embarrassed in the front of the class......I should probably say sorry tommorrow....... i just cant hold on my temper !!!!
....while i was walking i heard someone called my name ... Its yuki... mei- san wait for me! Oh hey there yuki ........ In the side  of the road we talk for a while then headed home ....


Mom im home! I shouted but no one answered...... i wonder where did mom go....... I look out through the window and start dreaming.......its very dark but stars light's everything up... As i start thinking of food i got hungry i go to the kitchen and saw a dinner's ready note with a cooked omellete..... *said in the note...

" i will be late for tonight so eat for your self and dont forget to lock the doors and sleep tight honey😊" -love mom

Mom is always like that lovable and caring.....I was so lucky that I still have her........

as i finish eating i got to the bathroom and  take a warm bath, then after thag i brushed my teeth, go to bed, and play some few games that I download earlier.........after a few games later I did'nt realize i already fall asleep....

End of chapter..

Hi guys this is the first chapter im reall excited what's gonna happen next. i hope you like it  JA-NE (GOODBYE)! Love you guys !

-Author's out

Chapter 2 coming soon....

No Game no Love (anime love story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon