The Fall Of Gridlock ~Part 2~

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A/N: Here is it. The last chapter. And it only took me about 2 weeks to get to it... I procrastinate a lot. I also had other stuff going on which made me go out of town for a day. Anyway, if you don't want to read my rambling, just skip right to the part where you read about the characters and their problems which is right now. But I bet you already knew to do that.


Devin was in a tough spot. Seth was fighting him thanks to Harry and his stupid code number and he had no idea how to turn Seth back to normal. And what was worse,  Harry had no intentions of telling him or doing it himself. Devin  stepped closer to Harry and pointed his sword at Harry's throat.

Devin:Turn Seth back. Now.

Harry:Like I said. What would be the fun in that?

Devin:Do it or your torture will be slow and painful.

Harry just snickered and put a hand to his ear.

Harry:Did you hear the sound of ropes breaking?

Devin glanced at the spot where he left Seth tied up and noticed the cut ropes but no Seth. He turned just in time to see Seth attack him with the scythe and block it. He pushed Seth back and pulled out some gas bombs, that released a tear gas when thrown, and tossed them at Seth. They exploded and the smoke got in Seth's eyes, causing him to lose his vision. He was swinging around his scythe, not knowing where Devin was. Devin knew the affects were only temporary and took this opportunity to turn back to Harry, get behind him, and pin Harry's arms behind his back. He put the blade toward Harry's throat and lightly touched the skin with it.

Devin:Now turn Seth back or you're white suit gets a new color added to it.

Harry:Tch. I guess I trained you a little too well. Fine. Chaos125. Release code 4396.

Seth suddenly stopped moving and rubbed his eyes.

Seth:Devin? Where are you? I can't see anything.

Devin pushed Harry away and rushed over to Seth.

Devin:Are you alright Seth?

Seth:I don't see how being blind counts as alright. What happened?

Devin:Harry used a code which made you attack me so I used some gas bombs on you.

Seth:Code? What code?

Devin:He had you programmed with a code that made you turn into his mindless puppet.

Seth:Where is Harry right now?

Devin:Right there, about to die.

Devin pointed at Harry with his sword. Harry just scoffed and turned towards Seth who's eyesight was coming back.

Harry:Then how about I leave you with a piece of fascinating information? Mostly involving you Seth.


Harry:That's right. Its about the night your family died.

Seth's eyes shot opened as he glared at Harry, ignoring the fact that everything was still blurry and that his body was close to giving out from the loss of blood and wounds.

Harry:The reason your house burned down was because I ordered my men to burn it. Since you were so young, you probably don't remember who your parents were. They were both part of the police force and had found out my little secret. They were going to announce who I was and my influence. Little did they know what that cost them.Their home, their family, their very existence. I went there a few days after it had burned down to see if the job had been done. That's when I found you and decided to train you. I found it funny.

Devin:You found what funny?

Harry:That the son of the very people who came close to telling my secret to everyone was going to become my little puppet. Too bad you turned out just like your parents.

Seth:So the police knew who started the fire?

Harry:They were a part of it.

Seth:I see. So it was your fault my family died. You were the one who ordered it.

Devin looked at Seth with a pitied look. Even he didn't know that Harry caused the accident. Now Seth knew the truth and so did he. Seth gripped the chain and glared at Harry, his eyesight back.

Seth:Thanks for the information. Now you die!

Seth threw the spiked ball at Harry who pressed a button behind his back. The floor between them exploded, the force causing the spiked ball to go flying back. Smoke covered the part of the room that Harry was on, keeping Devin and Seth from seeing where he was. When the smoke cleared, Harry was gone and so was the entire room. They looked over the edge and saw the rubble that littered the ground. They looked closer and made out the shape of a hand sticking out from under a giant piece of concrete. Harry's hand.

Devin:The bastard planned this.

Seth:Planned what?

Devin:He was going to kill himself from the start. Seems he had everything planned out before we even showed up.

Seth:So now what?

Devin:What do you think? We're finally free. Now we can go and do what we want with our lives. Let's go.

Seth nodded and they both left. It was over. Gridlock was no more.


A few weeks after Harry's death, Gridlock had become nothing but a memory. The police force were back under regular command and were no longer being influenced. Seth and Devin were able to find regular jobs as mechanics. The one good thing bout Gridlock was the vast knowledge they made you learn. They were considered the go-to-guys when you had a problem with your vehicle. Ashley would visit them often and had become Seth's girlfriend. She would help them out sometimes by handing them the tools or bringing them food and drinks. They would still train in their spare time, keeping themselves from becoming rusty. They finally had the regular lives they wanted. No Gridlock. No Harry. No more killing. They were finally free.

A/N: That's it. The End. And I think the ending was a bit weird and mushy but, hey, that's just me. I write that kind of stuff so deal with it. Anyway, comment, vote, add to a reading list, you get the idea.

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