Teaming Up

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(I'm now back to Seth's point of view. Bear with me with me on how much I'm switching between perspectives. I do that a lot. Anyway enjoy.)

How long has it been? Since I was born? Since my family died? Since I became a part of Gridlock? These questions run through my head when I least expect it. I can't help but wonder why any of this happened. My train of thought was cut off by the door opening and Ashley walking in. I was sitting in her room after we had walked here from the school. My body had healed some so I was able to make the trip. She sat next to me and put a finger over the small cut on my right cheek.

Ashley:My dad said you could stay here but you have to do your own laundry.

Me:I'm fine with that.

Ashley:Are you hungry? There are some leftovers if you want any.

I shook my head and we sat in silence. Her dad was the one responsible for Harry wanting me to kill Ashley. Officer Bradley. We continued to sit in silence until Ashley's dad's voice called up to us.

Bradley:Ashley! There is someone here wanting to see you! Says he knows your friend!

No. I already know who he's talking about. I shot up off the bed, scaring Ashley a little.

Ashley:What's wrong?



Me:Just do it.

She walked over to her closet and slowly closed the sliding door, leaving it opened just a bit. I turned back to the main door as the knob turned and in walked Devin. He saw me and smiled.

Devin:I knew you'd be here. You're too predictable Seth.

Me:Why are you here? Have you come to kill me?

Devin:Where's the girl?

Me:Answer the question.

Devin:Only if you answer mine.

Me:Not here. She's at school, cleaning off the desks.

Devin:Too bad. I wanted to meet her. Now as to why I'm here, I didn't come to kill you. I've come to warn you. Harry isn't happy about you leaving Gridlock.

Me:I care why?

Devin:Your emotions are back again right? You should be feeling something.

Me:I'm not. Now that you've delivered your warning I suggest you leave.

Devin:But I haven't met this girl yet.

Me:I already told you, she's not here. Now leave.

Devin:Nice try. Then who is the person in the closet?

I knew it. He was too good to not notice her presence. I looked at the closet and nodded. I already made up my mind to protect her. If Devin made a move to kill her, I'm going to stop him. Ashley stepped out of the closet and made her way next to me, her expression as blank as ever. Devin just smiled as he examined her.

Devin:I see why you disobeyed your orders.

Me:Now leave.

Devin:So rude.

Devin extended his hand to Ashley but I put my arm in front of her to stop her from taking it.

Devin:Its just a harmless handshake.

Ashley looked at me, letting me know that she wanted me to lower my arm so I did. She took his hand and shook it slightly.

Ashley:Nice to meet you. I'm-

Devin:Ashley Gavins. 17 years old and really smart.

Ashley:How did you-

Devin:Not important. What is important is what Harry is going to do once he finds you, Seth.

Me:Harry isn't strong enough.

Devin:No but his influence his. Right now, he's gathering his guards and most of the police force just to get back at you.

Me:So he's that angry?

Devin:You have no idea.

Me:So what about you? Do you plan on following his orders?

Devin:I've made my decision. I'm going to stay by your side. Harry did tell me to look after you.

Me:That was 13 years ago.

Devin:And it was the most sensible thing Harry has ever said. You're my family and I'm sticking with you.

From what I could tell, he meant it. I couldn't help but smile a bit. Devin, the only other family I had, was back. He then reached into his pocket and pulled out the ball and chain I left after the fight. I thanked him and took it. Ashley just looked at it then at me.

Me:Its what I'm going to use against Harry.

Ashley:Who is that? And what have you guys been talking about this whole time?

I remembered that she didn't know about me and what I did. I thought it best that she didn't know but it was too late for that. Devin the grabbed her arm and led her to the bed. After they sat down, Devin explained everything to her. About me, Gridlock, my family, and what was happening now. She nodded and looked at me with a sad expression.

Ashley:You lost your family in a fire?


Ashley got up and hugged me softly as if being a mother trying to calm her crying kid.

Ashley:Well now you have me and Devin.

Devin:That's right. And we're going to take down Gridlock.

I nodded. Harry is going to pay for all he put me through. I never wanted to become this way yet he made me what I am. But that'll all end soon. Harry better watch out.

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