The Fall Of Gridlock ~Part 1~

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A/N: Confession time. I thought the last chapter wasn't that good so I'm going to try to make this chapter better by adding more action. Tell me if you like it and enjoy. Also I'm doing this chapter from my perspective and I think the opening is kind of boring so sorry about that.

Seth and Devin had been training the last few days, preparing for the battle between Gridlock. Seth was practicing taking out multiple foes at one time while Devin was working on his speed. Ashley watched them as they trained and would help them by giving them snacks and drinks. Devin then decided that it was time to teach Seth how to turn his emotions on.

Devin:I already taught you how to turn them off. Now i'm going to teach you how to turn them on. So let's start by you turning off your emotions.

Seth nodded and closed his eyes. He concentrated on the image of everything being bottled up and sealed away. All his emotions. Everything he ever felt. Gone and forgotten. When he opened his eyes, he looked at Ashley but felt nothing. The affection he felt before was gone but he knew it would be back again.

Devin:Good. Now to turn them on again. The seal that you put on your emotions... break it. Imagine yourself destroying that seal and letting everything out.

Seth closed his eyes and concentrated on the image of the seal. It dropped and smashed. Everything broke free. His emotions were back. He opened his eyes again and looked at Ashley once more. The affection was back. He smiled and so did she.

Devin:Now we're ready to face Harry.

Seth nodded in agreement. It was now time to take down Gridlock. When night came, it was time for Seth and Devin to leave. They said goodbye to Ashley and her dad who knew nothing about them or why Ashley knew them. As they walked down the street, dressed in their assassination clothes, Seth turned off his emotions but Devin didn't. He never needed to turn them off since he always killed his targets without question or second guessing. And now, his target was one that they both wanted to kill and with very good reason. But Seth couldn't help but wonder how Devin became a part of Gridlock. He had wondered all these years and now was the time to ask.

Seth:Hey Devin? How did you get into this job?

Devin:Like you. Harry found me after my parents had died but they died in a car accident. I was in the car too but I crawled out and ran so no one ever found me.


Devin:You turned off your emotions already didn't you?


Devin:You could have waited until we reached the building. This is usually the moment where you say you're sorry for no reason or pull me into a hug and try to comfort me.

Seth:Then would you like me to turn them back on?

Devin:No. You already turned them off so I see no point in turning them on again just to do the opposite later. Besides, we're already here.

They stopped in front of the Gridlock building. The doors were locked and they could see many guards on the other side. They looked at each other and nodded. Devin pulled out his sword and cut through the glass doors. The guards turned their heads and pointed their guns as soon as they say the two. Once they began shooting, Devin and Seth started taking out guards. A guard that was hiding behind a desk called for back up and they were assisted by more guards and robots. Seth and Devin were still taking out guards left and right and had now moved on to the robots. After they were done taking out the robots, they made their way towards the stairs and quickly climbed them. Guards and robots blocked there path but they took them out with ease and continued to climb. Once they were at the top, Seth had heard a beeping and looked to see a bomb on the ceiling. It was only 5 seconds from going off but in those 5 seconds, Seth's emotions broke free of their seal even though he didn't turn them on himself. Devin hadn't noticed the bomb and had just opened the door when he was suddenly pushed out by Seth and landed against the floor. The bomb went off and destroyed the top of the stairs and part of the wall. Devin sheilded his eyes from the blast and opened them again when the smoke cleared. He looked all around at the rubble and noticed that Seth was no where to be seen. Devin stood up and rushed over to the pieces of concrete. He began to remove the pieces, searching frantically for any sign of Seth. He then heard a groan and some of the pieces began to move before they were sent flying onto the floor, revealing Seth covered in cuts and bruises. Seth stood up only to fall back down again. Devin rushed over to him and tried to help him stand but Seth had broken a few of his bones keeping him from standing right away.

Devin:Are you ok?

Seth:Y-yea. I'll be fine.

Seth stood up and his whole body screamed in pain, making him wince. Devin looked at him with worry in his eyes but saw that the wounds didn't bother Seth when he began to fight more guards and robots. They both continued to fight until they finally reached Harry's office and knocked down the door. There, in the chair, was Harry, a smug grin on his face.

Harry:I see you boys were able to make it. I trained you well.

Devin:Too bad it turned out to be the end of you.

Harry:Or so you think. Chaos125. Code number 8324.

Seth's head then began to hurt. The pain was overwhelming and made him fall to his knees. It was too much, even for him to handle. He then lost himself. He wasn't thinking straight anymore. He wasn't thinking at all. Devin looked at him and then at Harry.

Devin:What did you do to him?

Harry:I took precautions with him that I didn't take with you. After you left, I had Seth here programmed with a code number which, when said to him, makes him become my puppet.

Devin:Don't talk about him as if he's nothing but a piece of machinery.

Harry:I have no intentions of talking anymore. Seth! Your new target is Devin. Kill him!

Seth rose slowly, his actions being controlled by Harry.He looked at Devin and threw his ball and chain at him, still holding onto the scythe. Devin blocked it with his sword and glared at Harry.

Devin:Change him back.

Harry:Now why would I do that?

Seth rushed towards Devin and attacked with his scythe. Devin blocked it again and noticed that Seth was bleeding in multiple places. He knew that f this went on then Seth was going to die. Devin pushed back Seth and charged at Harry. He had almost reached him when Seth jumped in his way and blocked his sword. Devin pushed Seth aside but Seth just attacked again. Devin knew he had to snap Seth out of it and quickly. He fished into one of the pouches on his belt and pulled out some rope. He blocked another attack from Seth and pushed him back. He quickly got behind him and tied the rope around hs arms, restricting him from using his ball and chain. Devin then looked at Harry whose confidence seemed to have diminished. He began to run towards the door but Devin quickly stopped him in his tracks and pointed his sword at him.

Devin:You're not going anywhere until you turn Seth back to normal.

Harry:Why? I know you'll kill me after I tell you. I find it more amusing to know that you'll never be able to return him to normal.

Devin:You're a sick bastard. Making us do your dirty work and kill people you see as a threat. And sometimes, just for your amusement.

Harry:Yet you still did it.

Devin:Because I was young and naive. Now I'm old enough to realize my mistakes. And the biggest one was ever listening to you. Now return Seth back to normal!

Harry:I think I'll pass.

Devin:Your confidence is nothing more than you being too cocky. You should die right now.

Harry:Ah ah ah. If you kill me, Seth will never be the same.

Devin knew he was right. If Harry dies, he would never find out how to snap Seth out of it. He didn't know what to do.

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