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Maya P.O.V.
We crouched down next to cars. Two girls approached with guns talking Thomas and Jorge ''Drop it'' One ordered ''stand up with your hands up'' The other one ordered. We walked over to them pointing their guns right in our faces ''Maya'' The blonde one whispered ''Aris and Pearl'' The dark haired whispered.

Sonya and Harriet

Sonya threw her arms around me. ''Maya I missed you so much I thought they took you...you lucky I didn't shoot your crazy ass'' Sonya said smiling. ''I thought you were taken to I didn't see you I missed you'' I said now smiling ''If it isn't the leader Harriet how can I help you?'' I said jokily. ''You can help me by giving me a hug'' Harriet said as she pulled me in for a hug.

As we reunited it felt great to be with them again I felt happy and relieved. ''Sorry what's happening'' Minho said still with his hands up. ''We were in the maze together'' Aris said with a smile Harriet whistled ''We are clear guys come on out'' Harriet shouted. We looked up to see people holding guns as they looked down at us ''I can't believe you two are alive oh my god'' Sonya said as she hugged us one more time.

Sonya let go and started walking. ''Back it up'' She said as we followed behind her we looked around there were cars and trucks. ''How did you guys get here?'' I asked ''The Right Arm got us out'' Harriet answered plainly ''Wait do you know where they are?'' Thomas asked as he stepped in front of the group.

Harriet grinned. ''Hop in'' She said as she opened the car door we were split into two cars Teresa, Newt, Frypan, Sonya, and I were in one. I sat in the passenger seat ''I missed you, Pearl, and Aris so much you have no idea'' Sonya said smiling. ''Where's Rachel and Hanna?'' Sonya asked ''They didn't make it Wicked'' I said softly Sonya smiled disappeared but just nodded. Teresa looked at me worriedly as if I would cry I gave her a reassuring smile she just nodded in return.

We finally reached the Right arm. I opened the door I saw people working constantly it was an camp maybe it wasn't as big and powerful as some of us imagined but it's the best we got. ''Where's Vince?'' Sonya asked a man ''Somewhere over there i think'' the man answered. ''Who's Vince?'' Thomas asked ''He's the one who decides if you get to stay'' Harriet said simply.

We walk behind Harriet. Of course Minho had to say something ''I thought the Right Arm was supposed to be an army'' Minho said. ''Minho watch it'' Catherine said ''What it was on your mind too'' Minho said. ''Yeah we were but this is all what left of us a lot of good people died to get this far'' the guy said. I think he was Vince ''Who are they?'' Vince said as he turned his attention to Harriet.

Harriet said we were immunes. "Did you check them?'' Vince asked ''I know these guys Aris, Pearl, and Maya I trust them'' Harriet said. ''Well I don't check them'' Vince said all of a sudden Brenda collapsed to the ground breathing heavily. Jorge instantly went to her side ''I'm sorry'' Brenda repeated Vince crouched down looking at her ankle there revealed a crank bite.

Vince backed away immediately. Vince pulled out his gun ''We got a crank'' Vince said pointing the gun Brenda stayed on the ground. ''Let's put her out of her misery'' Vince said as he loaded the gun ''That's enough Vince'' a unfamiliar voice said. ''Nothing we can do for her she's infected'' Vince said ''No but he can hello Thomas'' she said.

The woman smiled. We were all confused how did this woman know Thomas? ''You know me?'' Thomas asked ''Makes sense you put you in the maze though I was worried they would kill you after what you did'' She said as she crouched down next to Brenda. ''What I did?'' Thomas asked ''The first time we spoke you said you couldn't take it anymore watching your friends die one by one the last time we touched you told me everything about Wicked'' The woman said looking up at Thomas.

Vince eyes went to Thomas. ''He was our source'' Vince said as they picked up Brenda to lead her to a tent Teresa stared at Thomas what looks like disappointment. ''Thomas come on'' The woman said to Thomas as he follows her to the tent where Brenda now was.

Sonya looked at me. ''Well come on we got a lot of catching up to do and I'll get you some warm clothes'' Sonya said with a smile. We all sat down on the logs with warm clothes Aris, Pearl, Sonya, Harriet, and I the group almost completed ''So tell me how did you end up with them'' Harriet said gesturing to Thomas and the others. ''Once we were well taken by Wicked into that fake safe place I met Catherine and we became friends then soon Aris told me what was happening so we were pretty much forced to team with Thomas and the others but they saved my life I trust them'' I said.

Harriet nodded. ''I don't know Catherine is a little untrustworthy'' Aris whispered ''Why think that?'' Pearl said as she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. ''I don't know it's almost as she wants to go back but then again she doesn't she's confusing and I don't think she cared about Winston when he died'' Aris said as he shrugged. ''I trust her she's a strong girl but yet emotional'' Pearl said with a small smile.

After catching up its been at least 2 hours. We told them all about our journey here about what happened and what we figured out about the people who were getting drained. I looked at the big mountain then I notice Teresa standing there looking out into the distance. Sonya laughed as Pearl told a joke ''I'll be back'' I said they all nodded as they kept talking as I walked towards the mountain.

Catherine cut in front of me ''Hey Maya'' Catherine said with a friendly smile ''do you want to go back to Wicked'' I blurted out. Her face immediately went to confusion and disgust ''Umm... Hell no but I do agree with saving humanity but what their doing is terrible I'd never go back I feel at home'' Catherine said. ''Why?'' Catherine asked ''I was just wondering but I'm glad we're here to'' I said with a small smile. ''I'm glad I'm your friend I'm glad you didn't leave Pearl and I in wicked that was really nice of you but yet dangerous'' Catherine said.

I smile. '' I'm dangerous though that's what the world is so that's what it created me to be'' I said ''Well I'll let you go I just met someone who was in my maze I guess they escaped to'' Catherine said. I nodded as I continued I went up the mountain finally I reached Teresa.

Her hair blowing in the wind as she looked out in the distance. ''Teresa?'' I said she turned her blue eyes looking into my dark brown ones. ''Maya'' she whispered ''Are you alright?'' I asked she looked sad almost as if she didn't want to see me maybe she didn't. No answer ''Teresa?'' I said again she put her lips against mine I kissed back it was perfect sparks flew around us.

It was amazing

  She wrapped her arms around me pulling me closer as she pulled away. Her arms still around me our faces inches apart ''I'm sorry I-I love you'' she said softly. ''I love you too but why are you sorry?'' I asked ''You need to run you need to go'' She said as she looked into my eyes. ''What why?'' I asked worriedly ''Because I love you'' she said all of a sudden there was wicked their bergs flying in the air. ''I- you? You did this? Tell me you didn't'' I said as I backed away so she wouldn't have her arms around me.

She sighed. ''You left me no choice Thomas left me no choice I got my memories back my mom ripped her eyes out people like me have stories like mine we need to save them this is the only choice'' She said softly. ''We always have a choice'' I said looking at her now as an enemy. ''Please don't fight them I l-'' before she could finish ''No don't say it please'' I said as I left her.

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