Chapter Five

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Chapter Five


She ignored Kitty, turning over on her bed so that her back was to the door. Unfortunately, there was no way to avoid Kitty when she wanted to be persistent and sure enough, a few moments later she phased through the door.

"Go away."

"I can't." Kitty actually sounded. "Logan wants me to, like, get the phone that Gambit gave you."

"It's in my bra," Rogue sniffed. "Tell him to come and get it himself if he's brave enough."

She expected Kitty to leave, so she was surprised when she sat down next to Rogue on the bed.

"I'm sorry," she said, resting her hand on Rogue's arm.

"That I'm a traitor?"

"You're not a traitor Rogue. I meant I'm sorry that the others won't hear you out."

Rogue turned over and gave Kitty a piercing look.

"What is this, good cop, bad cop?"

Kitty shook her head and held her hand out. "Absorb me if you don't believe me."

Rogue pulled a glove off and reached her hand towards Kitty's. She had no intention of touching the girl, but Kitty wasn't exactly good at hiding her emotions so if she was lying, Rogue would soon see the panic in her face.

Kitty kept her serene expression, so Rogue withdrew her hand.

"I believe you," Rogue said, slipping her glove back on.

Kitty smiled sadly. "So, what now?"

"I don't know," Rogue shrugged.

"You won't like, leave, will you?"

"No, Kitty, no man could make me turn my back on what I believe."

"Good." Kitty grabbed her hand and tried to haul her off the bed. "So let's go and see the professor."


"The professor. He's already on your side, he wants Gambit to join the team."

Rogue had almost forgotten that, and hope blossomed in her heart again.

"I'm afraid, Rogue, that I still know very few details about how Gambit aided Sinister. I have discovered his thefts while under Sinister's employ, but I cannot believe that they alone won or lost this war."

"But can't you convince Logan to at least give Remy a chance?"

"I have been trying, but even if he was willing to giving him another chance, Gambit is not yet willing to accept that opportunity."

Rogue sighed and Kitty put a hand on her shoulder.

"Don't give up, Rogue. You are the most, headstrong, obstinate, foolhardy, bullheaded and stubborn woman I know-"

Rogue looked at Kitty like she was insane. Why was she being insulted in an attempt to cheer her up?

"-if anyone can get Remy to change sides and Logan to give him a chance, it's you."

Rogue couldn't help but smile and feel reassured by her words.

"Kitty is correct Rogue," The professor said, unable to stop himself smiling at her rather odd pep talk. "It is you that brings Remy to the X-Men, though sadly in my time, too late to change the outcome of things."

"Thanks," Rogue nodded. "I'll keep trying."

Remy arrived back in New Orleans the next morning, after a full day of travelling. He was so exhausted that he collapsed into his bed, fully clothed. He was awoken far too early by his brother, knocking on his door.

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