Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Although the situation with the MRD didn't deteriorate into war in the future, they were still a big problem. Recently the MRD had stolen thousands of vials of the so-called mutant cure from Worthington Labs, and were planning to use it against their captured mutants.

While the X-Men didn't want the cure destroyed, after all it was every mutants right to choose, they also couldn't allow it to fall into the hands of the MRD.

Surprisingly, it wasn't being stored in a known MRD base, but somewhere new. Tonight they were raiding the warehouse that it had been tracked to, with the intention of taking the cure back if they could, or destroying it if they couldn't.

Rogue had only mentioned the basics to Remy during their phone calls, that someone had stolen some of the cure and they were stealing it back, so she was surprised when Remy's phone (as she'd come to call it) vibrated in the pocket of her uniform. She excused herself and went to use the blackbird lavatory.

"Remy?" she whispered, though there wasn't much chance of the others hearing her conversation over the sound of the engines.

"Be careful, cher," he said by way of a greeting. "This cure you're going after, it's guarded by mutants, so watch yourself."

"How do you know that?"

"In my line of work, I hear things. Just passing it on."

"Thank you."

"Take care?" he asked.


"Call me when you get home, I don't care how late."

"Okay. I lo- I mean, I will. Bye, Remy."

Had she really been about to tell him that she loved him? Was she crazy? If anything was going to drive a guy like Remy away, it was declarations of undying love. It was probably just adrenalin, she reasoned, the upcoming battle amping up her emotions or something.

She put the phone away and headed back to her seat. Now she had a decision to make; tell the others that she was in contact with Remy, or let them find out for themselves that mutants were guarding the cure.

Even if she did come clean, there was no saying that they would trust Remy, so in the end she decided to say nothing.

"What's up?" Kitty asked as she sat back down, noticing how tense she was.

"I just have a bad feeling, that's all. Be careful, won't you? Everyone?"

They disembarked a little way from the base and made their way to the fence around the compound in two groups. One group was heading to south fence, while Kitty, Kurt and Rogue headed to the west fence. The idea was that the first team would provide a distraction, while the smaller team teleported the cure out. Of course, that was the plan, and plans rarely come off flawlessly.

Rogue's team made it safely to the warehouse building only to be confronted by Angel, although now he called himself Archangel. If there had been other people here, they had clearly been sent outside to face the the other X-Men, so the good new was that Angel was alone. The bad news was that he was standing between them and the boxes marked 'Worthington Labs' which were stacked against a wall, so they couldn't teleport behind them.

"Warren?" Rogue stepped forward, hoping to be able to reason with him.

"You are not welcome here. Leave now."

"Warren, it's us, your friends!" Kurt tried.

In reply, warren unfurled his artificial wings and launched a barrage of razor sharp feathers at them. Kurt grabbed Rogue and teleported them both behind a pallet, while Kitty phased so the blades passed straight through her. Rogue could call on Kitty's power herself, or Kurt's for that matter, but the problem was that trying to recall someone else's power took a lot of concentration, so doing so in a combat situation was unpredictable at best.

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