Zippidy Do Da (Chapter 14)

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I wake up the next morning and I look at the clock. The time reads ten am. I slowly sit up and scan the room. Everyone's still asleep, so I lay back down and try to go back to sleep, all of course, to no avail. I sit back up up again and pull off the covers. I get up and sneek past the other beds. I open the door into the kitchen and grab a bag of Funyons and a root beer. I walked over to the living room area and look at the shelves. I find the movie V for Vendetta and set it aside. I'll watch it later with Matt and Vel. I remeber I told them I'd show it to them. I keep lookign through the titles and I find a movie that itsnt even around anymore.

"Oh my god..." I say pulling out Song of the South, "This is'nt even made anymore! I'm fucking watching this."

I put it in tje DVD player and sit on the couch and open the chips and the root beer.  I'm about half way through the movie when I hear footsteps. I chug the rest of my root beer and burp really loudly.

"Haha, I love burping. I say.

"Astonishing," Conner says behind me. "Finally a girl appreciates belches. "

"Good moring Starshine! The Earth says hello!" I say looking up. "How'd you sleep?"

"Oh, exeptually well, subtracting the fact that we are being held captive and that my physical apperance is permenantly tarnished." he says in a Sheldon Cooper way.

"Oh..." I say looking down. "You know I looked differently too. Why are you talking like that?"

"When ever I wake up, I speak like a genious. I'm  not sure why, but it's nice. What do you mean by you're apperence was different.

"Well, I had black hair and I wasnt this pale. My lips were normal and my eye's were grey." I say pausing the movie. "Now I look like the walking dead..."

"I dont think you look dead." he says reassuringly. He walked over to the arm chair and took a seat.

"You dont, Matt doesnt,  but other people will."

"And as far as Mattew has told me, why should that make a difference to you?" he asks.

"What do you mean by 'as far as Matthew's told you?'" I ask suspiciously.

"Last night while you and my brother were exploreing the place, Mattew, Velerie, Dawn, and myself were talking. You ended up unexpectedly showed into the conversation and Matthew wouldnt stop talking about you." he explains, "He stated that you did'nt care about what people said behind your back, or even to your face."

"Well, yes of course, but it doesnt help when there is something that people can make fun of you for. It used to be names that I was proud of. Like Nerd, or geek. But now I'm freak or emo and I'm sure that people can and will come up with more." I respond.

"Well... Depending on what the leader wants us to do, we may not even see normal people."

"True..." I say.

"So, what are you watching? It look's like a kid's movie."

"Well, it is, but its a riskay movie." I explain. "Guess what it is."

"Hunch back of Noter Dame?"

"No, but yeah, that's perverted as hell." I say, "Two more."

"Um, Song of the South?"

"Yep! I have to say, Im really suprised  that they have this here. I mean, you cant even find it in stores."

"Yeah, this is acctualy a really good movie." Connor says, "Have you seen it before?"

"Yeah, with my mom and my brother..." I say looking down. "We watch it along with other Civil War movies whenever its time for the Reenactment."

"You go to that too?" he asks.

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