Chapter 7- 20 weeks

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Please note that I am not using my son's first name only his initials. He does have a full name but I will not be using in my story. Thank you for reading my story and I hope this helps some mums to be in the near future. If you'd like to read more please can I recommend The Unmumsy Mum by Sarah Turner? I have read it myself and I can relate to quite a bit. It's also a good laugh but has some serious note to it. Thank you :D

So of course another four weeks has passed and I've received my 20 week scan letter through the post. And I'm counting down the days to my appointment. In time, my 20 week scan comes around. We begin the journey to the hospital all over again. But this time two of our friends come with us. By this time, our friend Stephen made me a pink loom band bracelet. Loom bands were the 'in thing' when I was expecting. I don't see many kids with them anymore. SO of course he assumed we having a girl. There were a few jokes from our other friend that even if we had 50 boys, that we'd have to keep having babies until we had a girl. I can assure you now that isn't going to happen. Anyway our friend pulled into the hospital car park  and began looking for somewhere to park. When we eventually found an empty space, we made our way to the ticket machine and waited while our friend sorted one out. 

Then we began making our way to the antenatal entrance. We signed in then went through to the waiting room. When it was our time we were called through. Our friends stayed in the waiting room, while we went for our 20 week scan. The sonographer did all the usual stuff and began moving the scanner over my bump. I was getting bigger and my bump became more prominent. Eventually, she turned the screen towards us, pointing everything out including the sex and announced that we were having a boy. We walked out of that room smiling more than we ever did.  So our little baby was a boy and he was going to be called LJ for short. I was smiling from ear to ear. I couldn't stop smiling. It was the best news I had ever been given. I was going to be having a son. Life couldn't be better .

Sorry this one is also short. My memory isn't as clear as it used to be. I think this is down to the headaches I've been getting for the past two years now. I had them throughout pregnancy and after and I'm still having them even though I'm on  medication. If my updates are slow, please bear with me as I have good days and bad days. Thank you

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