Chapter Three - Positive or Negative?

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Locking myself in the shared bathroom (yes we shared a toilet with other people and before  ANYONE complains and I mean ANYONE it was cleaned every day at exactly 9am by the landlady)  I took the second test out, read the instructions thoroughly this time and  held the stick underneath myself ready for it to be hit by my urine stream. Once I had peed on it, I replaced the cap turned it upside down  placing it in the windowsill and waited anxiously for the next five minutes. Five minutes passed and I slowly turned it over. Looking at the window on the pregnancy test I stared in disbelief  at the result. It was positive! Not only that it said I was 3+ weeks! 

I didn't cry or smile or shout my excitement. I just unlocked the bathroom door, walked into our room  (it was a single room that had a double bed , sink and a built in wardrobe) and quietly  walked over to the bed. Andy and our mate Stephen looked up at me from the programme they were watching on the TV and Andy asked me "Are you okay?" I handed him the test without answering his question. "What?" he asked . 

"Just look at the test."

"What?" he asked again.

"Just look at the test," I told him getting impatient.

So he looked at it  and just stared at it. No reaction. Nothing. I could have slapped him. "It's positive and I'm about three weeks gone" I said. Nothing, not even a smile. "Well aren't you happy? You're going to be a daddy!"  Still not even a smile. I could have kicked him then too.

"Of course I'm happy"  Is he serious? He doesn't fucking look happy! We went to sleep that night and just out of nowhere while I was sleeping my hand suddenly was resting on my flat tummy. The next morning we walked down to the doctors. The reception was surprisingly empty. I walked up to the desk and the receptionist said "What can I help you with?"

"I think I'm pregnant" I replied hesitantly

'"Okay. What's your name? I'll - "

"Isabel Lockhart" I answered  cutting her off before she could finish.

She tapped away then looked up and asked "Date of birth?"  

"It's the  second of the second , nineteen ninety six," I recalled it confidently.

She tapped away and then told me "Okay take a seat in the second waiting room."

Yeah I know! Two waiting rooms. One in the reception area and one along the left hand side corridor in the middle of the long corridor. Adjoining those corridors were the doctor's and nurse's offices. I made my way to the waiting room and took a seat. Time seemed like it was ticking by so slowly. I listened to people talking, but not really hearing what was being said. Everything just became a buzz. I focused on the electronic screen fastened to the wall, anticipating the moment my name popped up on screen. Gradually the waiting room got emptier, then suddenly my name flashed up on screen. Before I could register what room I had to go in, it was gone again. Andy showed me which nurse's room we had to go in. I knocked on the door waiting for the voice behind it bidding me to enter. 

"Come in," a sweet melancholic voice called out from behind the closed door. I turned the handle and pushed the door open. Andy closed the door behind us. Without being told we took a seat in a red comfy chair. A nurse dressed in blue uniform smiled at us and asked politely "What can I do for you?" 

I fidgeted in my seat and replied "  Well, I got this metallic taste in my mouth the other morning, so we went out and bought a test. It came back positive."

"Okay, well I need you to go wee in this for me," she answered my response handing me a clear plastic tube.

Again? Seriously? Ugh! I took it from her and made my way to the toilets on the other side of the doctor's surgery. I pushed the door open and let it swing shut behind me. Pushing a door open to one of the cubicles, I stepped in and shut it behind me, locked it behind me. Luckily for the nurse I was desperate for a wee so filling it wouldn't be an issue.  The tube was quite thick so it was easy to rest on the sink while I washed my hands. I had to half fill it  anyway. I dried my hands under the hand dryer, picked up the tube and made my way back to the nurse's office. I walked slowly, taking my time so as not to spill it all over the floor. That would be embarrassing. I opened the door, handing the tube over to the nurse as I took a seat beside Andy again. The nurse placed it on the side and picked up a piece of thin paper. Then she stuck it in my urine sample. As she did that, she explained how they used paper ones to do a pregnancy test and how the paper tests human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG), which starts to be produced around six days after fertilisation. She also said that if it turned pink, the end which she dipped into the urine, it's positive.

A few minutes later she went "Well you're definitely pregnant".

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