Chapter 9

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30 minutes later
Finn's POV:

Millie and I had gotten off the bus and were walking to the destination I had planned for us. It was about a 20 minute walk and it looked like Millie was getting tired since it was almost 8:00 and we had a jam packed day. "Here," I said to her crouching down. She looked at me confused. "Hop on my back," I said clarifying what I said before. A cute smile spread on her face and she got on right away.

"You're definitely a lot stronger now than you were in season 1," said Millie chuckling. "Hey, I was a weakling back then," I said smiling. She put her head in the crook of my neck and rested there while I continued to keep a lookout for the sign to the area we're going to. She hasn't recognised the place yet, thank God. I saw the sign with the little light we had from the moon and stars and started walking up the hill.

"Finn?" Millie mumbled.
"Why are you taking me to the set of the quarry?" Shit. "You'll find out soon. We don't have long to go," I said.
"Ok, Finnie," she replied yawning. I smiled to myself and thought, how did I get so lucky to meet you.

When we got to the top of the hill, I got Millie off my back and she was immediately mesmerised by the sight. We were at the top of the quarry from the Stranger Things set and it was absolutely beautiful at night. She started walking closer and closer to the edge, to close for my comfort, until I called out to her.

"Millie! What are you doing?" I said walking to her. She stopped almost at the edge of the cliff and looked up. "Pretty," she said loud enough for me to here. I was smiling at her until she looked back at me with tears coming down her face.

Millie's POV:

This was overwhelming for me. I have never felt what I feel for Finn before. I couldn't hold on to this anymore. "I need to t-talk to you," I nervously said, tears still falling down my face. He ran to me and pulled me into a hug. "What's wrong, Mills?" he asked me with a lot of eager and concern. I sighed before speaking again. It's now or never.

"I have these feelings, Finn... and I'm not sure what they mean or are, but they've been inside me for seems like forever now. It's almost like whenever I used to be around you, I'd get butterflies in my stomach. But now since I've admitted it to myself, I can finally breathe and think clearly when I'm near you, touch you or even think about you." I couldn't believe I was actually saying this. Why can't I just keep my dam mouth shut?!

"The truth is Finn, I like you. I like you more than a friend. The way you make me feel... it's like I matter to somebody. But I know that nothing could ever happen between us because I know that you might not even feel the same way." I was slowing loosing myself. "Melanie would probably kill me if she found out that I was talking to you like this, Paige and the cast would tease us everyday about it and I don't even want to think about what TMZ and reporters would d-"

I was interrupted by Finn grabbing my cheeks and smashing his lips onto mine. Only this kiss wasn't acting or pressured. It was real. I knew it and he knew it as well. We broke apart after 5 seconds and looked into each others eyes. This was a moment to remember forever.

"I felt it to," Finn started. "The tinkle in my stomach when I was around you. I don't feel it anymore either but I know that I can't keep this to myself anymore."
"Keep what?"
"I like you, Millie. I like the way you laugh and make other people laugh. When you smile, everyone smiles around you. You are the most beautiful girl in the world and I'm so happy that you are in my life. When I met you in the audition room, it was like something inside me clicked, almost like I was destined to meet you," he said nervously chuckling. He gulped before taking a rose out of his pocket. I stood there in absolute shock. Is he really about to ask me what I think he is?

"This is going to take all the courage out of me," he mumbled under his breath.
"Yes," I asked with hope of what I think he's going to ask me.
"W-Will you... will you be my girlfriend?" The biggest smile I have ever felt went onto my face. I jumped onto him with my hands around his neck, squeezing him tightly. I look back at him with a few tears of joy.

"So yes?" Finn asked.
"Yes! I would love to be your girlfriend!" I jumped onto him again and this time he spun me around in circles. Once he put me down, he looked into my eyes and I looked into his. They were showing clear signs of happiness. He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and we both leant in for a quick but soft kiss.

"I guess Fillie is real," Finn said smiling. I just smiled even harder and wrapped him into a hug and he rested his chin on my head. "I've been waiting for this moment," I said still hugging him.
"Wait," Finn said smirking at me. "How long have you liked me?" he asked.
"One or two years, give or take," I said with my cheeks going pink. Lucky it's dark, I thought. "Wow, Brown. Who would've thought you liked me," he said sarcastically.
"I'm a good actress," I said shrugging.
"The best," he said wrapping his arm around my shoulders making me look at the gorgeous sky.

Finn's POV:

This was the most perfect moment ever. Millie was finally my girlfriend and it feels like winning the lottery. We stood there admiring the universe until I felt Millie shiver. "You cold?" I asked her. She nodded and replied "a little."
"We'll go. But first sit down," I said.
I grabbed my phone out and said "pretty sky plus pretty girl equals perfection."

She giggled and sat down while I ran back a bit. Once the picture was taken, Millie got up and ran to me to look at the picture. "Nice skills, Wolfhard," she said to me.
"I have my ways. Come on," I said grabbing her hand and we started walking back to the bus stop.

1 hour later

Millie and I had got back to the hotel and said our goodbyes since Paige wanted her back to get a good sleep before filming tomorrow. At the moment I was on my bed staring at the ceiling thinking about the night. I kept replaying the moment in my mind of when she said yes to being my girlfriend. I really am the happiest boy on earth.

I grabbed my phone and looked at the picture I took of Millie at the cliff. A true angle. I felt like people should see this photo so I edited the picture a little, went onto Instagram and got the photo ready to post. I decided to put the caption saying something that both Millie and Eleven like to say. I tagged Millie and then shared it to the world and fell asleep thinking what could happen in the future for us.


Liked by stofficalfans, milliebobbybrown and 929,534 othersfinnwolfhardofficial Pretty✨View all 46,877 commentsmilliebobbybrown 💗finn_millie Are you guys dating?!!!!!3 hours ago

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Liked by stofficalfans, milliebobbybrown and 929,534 others
finnwolfhardofficial Pretty✨
View all 46,877 comments
milliebobbybrown 💗
finn_millie Are you guys dating?!!!!!
3 hours ago


Yay, they're finally together!! Hope you enjoyed :)

-Sienna xo

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