Chapter 4

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Just a reminder that this is filming season 3 not 2 anymore. Sorry again for the confusion!

Millie's POV:

I'm so nervous for the panel today. It's only going to be Finn, Noah and I since no one else has gotten here yet. I was wearing a long, gorgeous dress with my hair pulled back into a low bun. Hopefully it's not to dressy. I wonder what Finn is wearing. I got my phone and started texting him.


QueenMills- Hey Finn! Are you ready for today's interview?
Finnster- Totally!! What are you wearing?
QueenMills- It's a surprise ;) What are you wearing?
Finnster- Well then mine is a surprise as well, haha
QueenMills- Fineee... will see you soon then :))
Finnster- See ya Miils <3
QueenMills- Bye Finnie xx

End of Chat
Finn's POV:

Ok, so I just sent a heart to Millie. What was I thinking?! But she called me Finnie with two kiss symbols. What the hell is happening?

I was waiting down in the reception when my driver showed up to take to the comic con. I wasn't wearing anything to fancy. I had a plain white t-shirt, a denim jacket and some jeans. I bet Millie looks gorgeous.

Noah, Millie and I were all going in seperate cars so I was eager to get there to see Millie's outfit and Noah of course since I hadn't seen him yet.

When I got there, there was cameras everywhere and fans screaming. I took a large breath in and stepped out of the car with my dad and security guard. We walked down the middle of the gates keeping back the paparazzi and crazy fans.

I saw Millie and she was already walking towards me as fast as she could in heels. She looked incredible. She came up to me and took my hand pulling me inside. We both waved to a couple of people with our outside hands since our inside ones were still holding hands. Is she not worried about pictures? I thought to myself confused. She's usually very cautious about that stuff.

We got inside and she embraced me in a hug even though there were still cameras to be seen. We pulled out of it and just looked into each other's eyes. "Your not worried about..." I asked her looking around.
"I don't mind," she said with a smile putting her hand on my arm. I looked down trying to hide my flushed cheeks with a chuckle.

"You look a bit hot, Finn," Millie then asked me sarcastically.
"I, um... I." God, dam it. "I'm just kidding," she said giggling. "Come on. Noah's over here," she said pulling me along again. We caught up with Noah and he gave me a manly hug and pat on the back.

"Alright, I need you three to come with me," said a staff member gesturing us to follow her. We followed her beside the stage behind a curtain. "2 minutes until your on," called out one of the staff members. I started fiddling with my fingers and getting sweaty. A hand crept onto my shoulder and I looked over slowly. It was Millie.

"It's going to be fine, Finn," she said assuring me. I smiled at her and nodded. "Thanks... a lot," I say looking at her eyes. She shook her head. "You don't need to thank me." She rested her head on my shoulder and we just stood there for a moment. "Millie Bobby Brown!" The crowd went absolutely crazy. "Go kill it," I said to her. She took a deep breathe and walked out. Everyone truly loved her.

"Did I miss something?" Noah said to me sneakily. "You never get old do you," I say joking. "Hey! Don't judge me," he said smiling. We both laugh and then I here my name get called out. Now or never, I thought to myself. I walked out and fans immediately started screaming.

As I got closer and closer to my seat, Millie stood up and pulled me into a hug and I hugged her back. I didn't know it was possible but the crowd started screaming even louder. Millie and I both laughed and sat down while Noah was being called out. Next was the Duffers and then Shaun.

Millie's POV:

It started off pretty chill. There were questions like "how are all our friendships going?" and heaps of other things. A little girl, maybe around 11 or 12, was asked to ask a question. "This one is for Finn," she started off with. I sat back in my chair a bit more since the question wasn't for me and Finn took a sip of his water getting ready.

"Do you think Millie is pretty?"


Can not tell you how sorry I am for being so inactive. I am finally on holidays so I'll be updating way more regularly.

Thank you so so much for over 200 reads!! Means the world to me. Love you guys❤️

-Sienna xo

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