Part 56

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Time passed and Elena tried to spend it so as to occupy herself with Klaus Mikaelson as little as possible. Fortunately, she was busy with preparations of Jenna's and Alaric's wedding. She helped her aunt with excitement, and when Caroline also took part, it was clear that it was going to be a really unforgettable event, not only for the bride and the groom but for the whole town.
Alaric, who was already getting married for the second time, wished for a modest ceremony with the closest ones, but Jenna didn't want to let such a great opportunity to shine slip through her fingers. Although every now and then she complained about being exhausted and about the wedding wearing her off, it could be seen in her eyes how much she was enjoying the wedding stress. Elena hadn't seen her this happy for a long time and it was a pleasant look indeed.
However, on the Big Day, not pretended nervousness overtook Jenna and Elena had to calm her down every five minutes that yes, she looked gorgeous, no, she wasn't fat in the dress, yes, they had ordered enough champagne for everyone, and no, Alaric wasn't going to leave her at the altar and run away. Had Jenna not been protected by vervain, Elena probably would have compelled her to relax.
'There are so many people here!' Jenna was hiding, but she was peaking through an aperture between the doors.
'It was you who wanted to invite a lot of guests!' Elena reminded her with a smile. 'And you'll be glad for their presence when you'll be walking down the alley in that wonderful dress and everyone will admire you.'
'I know but...' Jenna was biting her lip, painted with decent lipstick. Caroline had taken care of her make up, while Elena had done her hair. During that, she remembered how Jenna did her hair at Miss Mystic Falls. That nostalgia almost got her on the ground.
'There's no but,' Elena gave her another uplifting smile. 'Everything's going to be fantastic.'
Jenna took a breath sharply. 'Do you promise?'
'I promise,' Elena nodded her head with curled hair.
And her promise was kept. The ceremony went smoothly, Jenna looked extremely pretty, she didn't stumble on her high heels, Alaric said 'I do.' and there was enough champagne for everyone. It was time to celebrate the connection of two obviously-in-love people.
A solid half of the guests didn't need much persuasion and after the opening solo dance of the bride and the groom, the floor was full of couples. Matt asked Bonnie for a dance and Tyler asked Caroline. Elena remained sitting at the table because nobody came for her. She was kind of hoping that at least one of the Salvatore brothers would ask her. Damon was Alaric's best man and it looked that he was in the best mood, whereas Stefan looked rather reserved. Elena looked around, but she couldn't see either of them now. Maybe they didn't stay for the celebration, though that seemed quite odd to her. She knew that Damon wouldn't miss any event where alcohol is served. Moreover, he was Alaric's friend, and so was Stefan.
Her eyes didn't manage to find Damon and Stefan, but they found someone else. She had to rub them to make sure that her sight wasn't deceiving her, although vampire sight was more than reliable. But it was really him. Klaus Mikaelson.
He caught her eye and smiled. She suddenly felt terribly idiotically, sitting there at the table alone, so she stood up so as to melt into the crowd of those who were straggling around in order to talk to other guests. It was too late though. Klaus had already headed to her and she had the feeling that running away now would be too cowardly even for her. 
'May I have this dance?' he asked her like a true gentleman, he slightly took a bow and offered her his arm.
Elena couldn't refuse. She did notice Bonnie's disapproving look, but she still linked arms with Klaus and let him take her right into the middle of the dance floor.
'Enthralling wedding,' Klaus politely began the conversation.
'It is,' nodded Elena. 'What are you doing here? I don't think you're exactly welcome. Especially after what you did to Alaric.'

'That was nothing personal.'
'And that makes it OK?'
Klaus made a face. 'Probably not. Tell me, where's the wild and unchained Elena who enjoyed every little drop of blood, every aspect of being a vampire... She wasn't afraid of anything, she didn't judge anyone...'
'Do you miss her?'
'Truth be told... Pretty much so.'
'As far as I know, you have that model for those things. You don't need me. I don't want to have anything to do with darkness. Excuse me.' She took advantage of his surprise, she easily slipped out of the dance position and in a rush, she left the floor.

Beauty and the Original - TVD Klaus/Elena FF (2015) - COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now