Part 46

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The next morning, Elena woke up with a clear head, knowing what she had to do to finally give her life sense. She may not have had an idea where this inner peace had come from and how it was possible that her mind was suddenly so clear, but she definitely wasn't about to complain about it.
She packed her things in suitcases, booked a flight ticket to New York because deep down she had always desired to live there and she went downstairs to the kitchen to tell her family the news.
Jenna, who looked even sicker than the day before, was sipping hot tea from a huge porcelain mug and watching morning news, while Jeremy was sitting at the table and catching up on some last homework, as he could never force himself to do it earlier than in the morning on the day it was due.
'Are you going somewhere?' her younger brother wondered when he noticed Elena's luggage.
'I've got to get out of here,' she responded in a tight voice.
'What?' Jenna wheezed from the living room. 'Elena, where are you going?'
'I'm going to spend some time in New York,' answered Elena. 'Everything's falling down on me here, I need more space, to meet new people, to experience new things...'
'But what about your school? What about your friends? What about us two?' asked Jane confusedly.
'You two can manage here together,' Elena winked at her. 'And don't worry about school and my friends. I won't be gone for longer than a month. I'll easily catch up on the lost time, fear not.'
'But why all of the sudden?' wondered Jenna between sniffling and blowing her nose into a handkerchief.
'I simply need a change, necessarily,' shrugged Elena and she smiled. 'I have a friend there, I'll live at her place, so everything is taken care of.'
'Well, you're an adult, I can't prevent you from doing it... Just be careful,' Jenna warned her. 'Don't trust any strangers and don't buy burgers in dodgy fast foods.'
'I'll remember that,' chortled Elena and she went to call her friends to tell them the news. Her plane was departing in the afternoon, but she had to set out immediately so as to get to the airport in time. Therefore, it was necessary for Caroline and Bonnie to come over to her house so that she could say goodbye to them. Elena knew that Bonnie was driving as always, so it wouldn't be a problem for her to stop by at least for a while before the lessons started. And Caroline moved at a vampire pace, so it wasn't an impossible task for her either.
Both girls arrived, of course. They persuaded Elena to stay for a while, but then they gave up because Elena had already made up her mind.
'I'll miss you,' said Bonnie and she hugged her.
'I'll miss you too, Bonnie.'
A hug with Caroline followed. Elena felt good around her friends, but she couldn't wait to board the plane. She really felt that she was choking here in Mystic Falls. She needed to be free at least for some time and to be able to just BREATHE.
'I have to go to the airport,' she said to the girls.
'I'll give you a ride,' offered Bonnie.
'No, thanks,' declined Elena. 'I don't want any heartbreaking goodbye at the airport. Besides, you two must go to school,' she added.
'Haha,' Bonnie rolled her eyes.
All three of them burst into laughter at once. Then they group-hugged, after which Elena took her suitcases and headed to the main door.
It was time to pull up the anchor and sail out from the safe home harbour.

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