Because Of You

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My heart,
It will not function.
When you left,
Is when it began
To dysfunction.

My love,
It has ran out.
There is no more to supply.
Tears roll down,
I can not, I will not
look you In the eye.

My pain,
It will be over soon.
I will forget,
Everything I loved about you.
But you have left a scar,
Unlike a wound that will heal,
This scar is permanent,
and now love I can not feel.

When music plays,
I feel not the urge to dance,
No longing for romance.
I simply sit and listen.
Every word as if it we're my own.
Only I can not express.
Any love I had,
Has been suppressed.
Never to expose.
For fear another you,
Will roll around
Deepening my scars
Leaving me all alone.

My life,
It will never be the same.
I was just a pawn,
In your awful game.
You did not love me,
As I loved you.
You simply took what you could,
Then left me blue.

You will never love anyone.
Which brings me peace of mind.
You will continue to hurt woman,
But there will come the time
where the woman will cease
to visit your useless company.
When that day comes look back,
and remember me.

~H. K. A

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