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"It is the east,
and juliet is the sun".
Certainly she is amongst the stars.
For the life of the lover named Juliet,
short lived, and now is done.

Precious Juliet,
how foolish can you be?
Falling for young romeo,
who's personality,
you have not yet seen.

As the lustful Romeo,
blinded, and dazed,
on what was presumed to be love.
However it was lust,
that left you amazed,
his inconsistent presence,
Ceased to be enough.

Fourteen my dear,
Such a young age,
for love to even be a thought.
However forced upon you,
as on many young girls.
It became all you sought.

So much to live for,
the fruit of life,
being tasted not yet.
However the sight of young Romeo,
cold, deceased upon the ground,
Left you feeling fret.

My dear Juliet,
Your ending being sad,
Let it be a lesson to everyone.
To be forced to find love,
then to be blinded by lust,
ends in death, and brings no fun.


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