The Woodsman (a.k.a The Tin Man)

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My heart!
It has been stolen.
Ripped straight from my chest!
The deed done by,
no other then,
the Wicked Witch of The West.

Left cold and rusted,
metal replaced my limbs.
my heart, I could not regain
leaving me quite dim.

My story began as a young boy.
Working the trees for wood.
Pounding the trees,
to the sound of the beat
my heart provided, as it should.

I grew older, fell in love
with the woman of my dreams.
However it was forbidden,
something I could not have foreseen.

Out one day upon the trail,
heart beating fast, full of joy!
When the Witch out of envy,
and lack of heart of her own.
Decided that our love,
in all its innocence,
shall never be shown.

My lover after realizing,
I had no heart to beat
had fled away from me.
Keeping her promise never to return,
leaving me quite defeat.

In present tense time,
I remain in solitude.
For who could ever love a man,
Who is made of metal.
Emotions, I could not elude.

I do not feel sad,
In fact, I feel nothing at all.
Numbness surrounds me.
As my metal frame,
In the midst of trees,
can be seen, standing tall.

One day I hope,
My empty shell,
Has beating heart of its own.
For now I work the trees
to the sound of the beat,
Of the dripping water well...


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