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Six little letters,
That form an exquisite word.
With each letter meaning something,
In case you have not heard.

The D in desire,
Is for Dependency.
For, highs that are achieved
by fulfilling your desire,
soon becomes necessities.

E Is for ecstasy.
Addictive as the drug.
It's feeling so beyond reason,
that once you subside,
You begin to feel slug.

S as in supress.
Not always can you fulfill.
During these times,
The feelings you have
In your brain,
they must remain still.

I for independence ,
something you might lose.
For the one fulfilling your desire,
To be with them all the time,
Is what you'd love to choose.

R stands for realize.
You start to notice what
you've become.
However it's much to late,
To change your ways.
Desire is hard to overcome.

Our final letter E,
Is for Ending.
Meaning many things.
It is the ending of the word,
And this poem too,
But letting desire overcome,
Will certainly lead,
To the ending of the old you.

~H. K. A

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