Stand Tall

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There is absolutely no reason at all

To pretend for someone else.

No matter how nice they may seem,

Or how cool they may be

They’re worth nothing

In the overall scheme of things

If you aren’t able to be you.

Because in the end

They won’t know you

They won’t need you.

They’ll look for that girl.

That girl who always

Knew what to say.

That girl who always

Held her head high.

That girl who didn’t seem

To have a single flaw.

And in the end,

They’ll see you,

And then they’ll                   

Judge you anyways,

And leave you stranded and alone.

So be you.

Be shy, be timid,

Let your hair fall over your eyes.

Be weird, be crazy.

Dance like no one is looking.

But most of all,

Be happy and love your life

Laugh so hard your sides hurt,

even if others frown.

Have a good time when 

Everyone else is being a bore.

And don’t be afraid to stand out.

Because how will true friends find you

If you’ve blended into the crowd.

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